txt-files from folder contents

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod
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Rod said:
Thank you for your reply, I should have mentioned earlier that I want
a no- install for this purpose.

Again, MP3Lister.


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
Rod said:
It only showed files present in D:\Music, NOT files listed in it's

Updated it again (and checked it on my mothers 98SE machine). If it doesn't
work this time I'm gonna give up, lol....



Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!
Rod said:
Thanks, it looked nice, but was very slow and the output was buggy.
AAbout 20% of the files listed were listed with their full path-name.

Slow? All relative I guess. Just scanned a folder with 26,000+ files
in a bit under five minutes. If you use v2 tags it would take longer.

No paths either, just song titles. Sure you set it up right?
List Items
Only "Songname" ticked

As I said, it is the best MP3 lister I ever found and I spent quite a
bit of time lo9oking.


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
Updated it again (and checked it on my mothers 98SE machine). If it
doesn't work this time I'm gonna give up, lol....

Don't give up on me !
OK, your mothers system saved my day, it's working now.
Thank you again for your efforts.
One more thing, discussing this with someone else popped a question for us:
can the script be altered so it works even 'deeper' ? I'm planning on doing
a better job on sorting out my mp3's and create extra folders so the
structure looks like:

Rod said:
Don't give up on me !
OK, your mothers system saved my day, it's working now.
Thank you again for your efforts.

No problem, just glad to hear it's working.

One more thing, discussing this with someone else popped a question for us:
can the script be altered so it works even 'deeper' ?

It certainly could yes, but then it starts to get a little messy (coding
wise that is). If you really want it modified, let me know and I'll sort
something out for you.



Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!
It certainly could yes, but then it starts to get a little messy (coding
wise that is). If you really want it modified, let me know and I'll sort
something out for you.

Thanks, I'm fine for now. If my needs expand I'll check back with you.
Thanks again for your time and help.
On 2 Jan 2005 19:48:30 GMT, Rod wrote:

Thank you BeAr, I fiddled a bit with it, but couldn't get it to work.
Anyway, I got a sloution from Steven Burn.

Strange. Works very well here. (Just tested again.) Only drawback is,
the list comes out unsorted. But that could either be dealt afterwards;
or one uses a pipe to the sort command:

locate D:\Music\*.mp3 /O:"&V" | sort > mp3.lst

Just out of interest. What's wrong on your output?

dadiOH said:
Slow? All relative I guess. Just scanned a folder with 26,000+ files
in a bit under five minutes. If you use v2 tags it would take longer.

No paths either, just song titles. Sure you set it up right?
List Items
Only "Songname" ticked

As I said, it is the best MP3 lister I ever found and I spent quite a
bit of time lo9oking.

You're right. The speed isn't really the issue, I can wait a few minutes.
I got the setup right, but for some reason some of the files are listed
with their full path.
But I'm quite content with the solution Steven Burn provided.
No output :(
"can't find file <*.*>

Sounds like a message from your system and not from Locate. I just
booted Win98SE and everything worked still as expected. Try this
command line from <Start menu>-<Run As...>:

command /c locate D:\Music\*.mp3 /O:"&V" | sort > D:\Music\mp3.lst

Does it help? Is now a mp3.lst-file inside the D:\Music directory?
If so: What does it contain - nothing/garbage/error messages or the
correct data?

command /c locate D:\Music\*.mp3 /O:"&V" | sort > D:\Music\mp3.lst

And of course: Either copy Locate.com in a directory inside your
search path (Windows\System for instance) or use full path
(C:\Programs\Locate\Locate.com for instance) within the above

Rod said:
You're right. The speed isn't really the issue, I can wait a few
minutes. I got the setup right, but for some reason some of the files
are listed with their full path.

Maybe it's in the tag. Checked?
But I'm quite content with the solution Steven Burn provided.

Good. Whatever does the job....


dadiOH's dandies v3.05...
....a help file of info about MP3s, recording from
LP/cassette and tips & tricks on this and that.
Get it at http://mysite.verizon.net/xico
Sounds like a message from your system and not from Locate. I just
booted Win98SE and everything worked still as expected. Try this
command line from <Start menu>-<Run As...>:

command /c locate D:\Music\*.mp3 /O:"&V" | sort > D:\Music\mp3.lst

Does it help? Is now a mp3.lst-file inside the D:\Music directory?
If so: What does it contain - nothing/garbage/error messages or the
correct data?

It creates mp3.lst in D:\Music.
The file contains nothing.
It creates mp3.lst in D:\Music.
The file contains nothing.

Sounds like it doesn't find (the right) Locate program. Strange! Maybe
you have another Locate in an earlier directory of the search path.
Try to execute this:

command /c locate /? > D:\Music\test.lst

* If the resulting file is still empty: The OS can't find any Locate
program at all.
Solution: Use the full path to Locate.com (all of the following command
has to be on one line!):

command /c c:\programs\locate\locate.com D:\Music\*.mp3 /O:"&V" | sort > D:\Music\mp3.lst

This sample assumes, you installed Locate.com inside C:\Programs\Locate\.

* If the resulting file contains the correct help:
| LOCATE.COM v1.31 2003-12-09 C. Dye (e-mail address removed)
| Freeware. Copyright 1995-2003, Charles Dye. No warranty!
I have no clue, where the error might be. :-(

* If the resulting file contains wrong help texts: You have another
Locate program earlier in your search path.
Solution: Use again the full path to Locate.com

Although you have solved your original problem another way
(Steven Burn), you should still try to sort out, why the Locate
program didn't work. This could be a severe setup problem,
which might show off on many other occasions.

Solution: Use the full path to Locate.com (all of the following
command has to be on one line!):

command /c c:\programs\locate\locate.com D:\Music\*.mp3 /O:"&V" | sort

Very nice. Pointing it to the full path worked. I thought I had locate.com
in the right directory (windows/sytem). Must have goofed up somewhere.
Anyway, I'm very impressed with this. It does the job quick and clean.
Only a 10.9 Kb file (the locate.txt says you can delete all the other
Made a batch file. Happy camper.
Pointing it to the full path worked.

Glad to hear this! I almost lost my trust in computer predictability.
Anyway, I'm very impressed with this. It does the job quick and clean.
Only a 10.9 Kb file (the locate.txt says you can delete all the other

Yes I seldom need such a program. Mainly, since Win2k provides itself
much better possibilities for such tasks, than Win9x did. But Locate
*is* a program worth to keep and to remember. I have it in my archive
for years...
