Beauregard this might sound silly to you, but do I have to change my email
address if I switch from Outlook Express and start using Mozilla, etc?
address if I switch from Outlook Express and start using Mozilla, etc?
Beauregard T. Shagnasty said:Quoth the raven Scottie:
Sorry Beauregardit, I conveniently forgot to mention it’s my
spelling that lets me down, the age thing was just an excuse? It’s
nice to know that there are people older than me typing sixty
words a minute, I can hardly talk at sixty words a minute… only
joking? You never said how old you are, now don’t you tell me
you’re a Hundred I wont believe are you?
A hundred? Heh... no, I'm 63.
Anyway I got the matter fixed, it was a email problem like Chris
said. I went into "Webmail" and deleted my email and everything it
working Fine.
See? There ya go.
BTS, How do you change from using Outlook Express and how will that
affect me using NTL?
You change by installing another program. When it asks "Would you like
(this) to be your default email program?" you answer yes. Don't worry,
they all have an option to "Make (this) your default program)" so you
can switch among them.
It will/should not affect your broadband at all. Mine doesn't care
what software I use. When you install a new email client, you of
course must go to Accounts, and add one for your service.
I'd recommend one of two choices:
Mozilla, which is an all-in-one browser, mail and news program
Firefox browser and its stand-alone companion mail and news
program called Thunderbird
Both mail programs have a spell checker built right in. No need to
have Word installed also.
I'm currently using the Mozilla suite, but occasionally switch to FF
and Tbird for fun. You would only need one set unless you want to play.
I am using NTL broadband and it loads automatically from their
personal disk?
They may have supplied a "branded" version of it, but OE/IE are
Microsoft programs. If your title bar says something like "Microsoft
Internet Explorer provided by <company name>" it's just a Registry
entry to add that to the title bar. I once changed my IE bar to read
"Microborg Internet Exploder provided by the [deleted] in Redmond"
Links to these browsers here: