Two time Virus

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scottie
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Can someone please tell me how I can get rid of this problem, I am sure I
have got a virus again? I have Norton Internet Security 2004 and a Norton
Firewall installed. What's happening is; when I am downloading my email I
get a "time-out communicating with the server error" (SSL) No: 0X800CCC19
and the same emails are downloaded again and again. I think the fault is
being caused by an email that only has a folder icon with no subject and no
text? The last time I had this problem (only last week) I had to reformat my
hard drive. I have nothing on my drive that I couldn't put back on, it's
just the time factor and the thought that the shitbag that sent the virus
has caused me a bit of time. Is there a online virus scanner I can try
without loading the virus program on to my hard drive?
Scottie said:
Can someone please tell me how I can get rid of this problem, I am sure I
have got a virus again? I have Norton Internet Security 2004 and a Norton
Firewall installed. What's happening is; when I am downloading my email I
get a "time-out communicating with the server error" (SSL) No: 0X800CCC19
and the same emails are downloaded again and again. I think the fault is
being caused by an email that only has a folder icon with no subject and
no text? The last time I had this problem (only last week) I had to
reformat my hard drive. I have nothing on my drive that I couldn't put
back on, it's just the time factor and the thought that the shitbag that
sent the virus has caused me a bit of time. Is there a online virus
scanner I can try without loading the virus program on to my hard drive?

Are you sure it's a virus? I've occasionally had similar problems
(repeatedly downloading the same emails), and it turned out to be due to a
corrupt email on the mail server which wouldn't download successfully. Once
I'd asked my ISP to delete it from the server everything was OK. You could
probably manually delete it yourself using something like:

try using a program called mailwasher, then you can view the emails before
you actually download them from the server, any offending emails can be
deleted immediately and senders added to a blocked list.


| Can someone please tell me how I can get rid of this problem, I am sure I
| have got a virus again? I have Norton Internet Security 2004 and a Norton
| Firewall installed. What's happening is; when I am downloading my email I
| get a "time-out communicating with the server error" (SSL) No: 0X800CCC19
| and the same emails are downloaded again and again. I think the fault is
| being caused by an email that only has a folder icon with no subject and
| text? The last time I had this problem (only last week) I had to reformat
| hard drive. I have nothing on my drive that I couldn't put back on, it's
| just the time factor and the thought that the shitbag that sent the virus
| has caused me a bit of time. Is there a online virus scanner I can try
| without loading the virus program on to my hard drive?
You might be right Chris, I will contact them. I ran a Norton scan again and
nothing showed up, but I have been told that Norton is useless at finding
viruses, if this is right how have they been going on for so long? I'd still
like to try an online virus scanner to see if Norton is working, do you know
of any?
Scottie said:
You might be right Chris, I will contact them. I ran a Norton scan again
and nothing showed up, but I have been told that Norton is useless at
finding viruses, if this is right how have they been going on for so long?
I'd still like to try an online virus scanner to see if Norton is working,
do you know of any?

I think Trend and Panda have them, though I've never used them. Norton has
always worked well for me. Since my ISP offers email virus scanning Norton
seldom has anything to detect.

In fact I operate a system using two ISP's. Email gets sent to ISP1 who
virus scan the mail and then forward it to ISP2. ISP2 virus scan the mail,
which I then download and check with NAV.

ISP1, ISP2 & my PC all use different virus checkers, so hopefully not much
can get through - it's been a pretty successful strategy so far.

Wish I could laugh along with you Bill but I know very little about
computers. What is a simple matter for you, unfortunatly, is a problem for
me, but I'm happy your amused
| try using a program called mailwasher,
| then you can view the emails
| you actually download them from the server, any offending emails can be
| deleted immediately and senders added to a blocked list.
| hth

in simple terms, use this program to clear your mailbox manually yourself!
Scottie said:
Can someone please tell me how I can get rid of this problem, I am sure I
have got a virus again? I have Norton Internet Security 2004 and a Norton
Firewall installed. What's happening is; when I am downloading my email I
get a "time-out communicating with the server error" (SSL) No: 0X800CCC19
and the same emails are downloaded again and again. I think the fault is
being caused by an email that only has a folder icon with no subject and no
text? The last time I had this problem (only last week) I had to reformat my
hard drive. I have nothing on my drive that I couldn't put back on, it's
just the time factor and the thought that the shitbag that sent the virus
has caused me a bit of time. Is there a online virus scanner I can try
without loading the virus program on to my hard drive?

As someone else has suggested, install a freeware version of
Mailwasher and delete the offending e-mail(s) from the server. Click
on the Size column header and locate the large e-mails--probably
digital camera/scanner images e-mailed by someone you know. If all
e-mails waiting on the server can't successfully be downloaded, they
remain on the server and are all downloaded each subsequent attempt.
That's where the multiple copies come from.

You can get Mailwasher from

If that's too much trouble, ask your ISP to delete all e-mails over
1MB in size.

Good luck!

Hi Streetwise, I have just spent the last thirty minutes trying to do like
Bill said and contact my ISP (NTL) on a live online connection but I couldn’
t cut and past my request from Word onto their reply page. I think you must
have to type live online so they can make more money for themselves? I’m as
slow as treacle at typing must be my age (61) so I gave up in the end.
Anyway the Norton 2004 that I told you that I use is supposed to stop Spam
Emails as well as Pop-ups and Viruses, but in saying that I had Norton
filtering my email when I had got the same problem last week, so it cant be
that good? I really don’t have the no-it-all, that it takes to beat these
Spam/Virus ragbag villains. The problem that I have is; I’m afraid that I
will cause more conflicts downloading other software? Would it be safe to
download Mailwash when I have Norton running?
Thanks Larry
Larry Sabo said:
As someone else has suggested, install a freeware version of
Mailwasher and delete the offending e-mail(s) from the server. Click
on the Size column header and locate the large e-mails--probably
digital camera/scanner images e-mailed by someone you know. If all
e-mails waiting on the server can't successfully be downloaded, they
remain on the server and are all downloaded each subsequent attempt.
That's where the multiple copies come from.

You can get Mailwasher from

If that's too much trouble, ask your ISP to delete all e-mails over
1MB in size.

Good luck!

Scottie said:
Streetwise, I ment to say Chris not Bill. Sorry Chris.

Have you tried going to:

as I suggested earlier?

It should enable you to check your email, and delete any corrupt messages
directly from the mail server. There's nothing to download, it's all done

I must be on his blacklist!

| As someone else has suggested, install a freeware version of
| Mailwasher and delete the offending e-mail(s) from the server. Click
| on the Size column header and locate the large e-mails--probably
| digital camera/scanner images e-mailed by someone you know. If all
| e-mails waiting on the server can't successfully be downloaded, they
| remain on the server and are all downloaded each subsequent attempt.
| That's where the multiple copies come from.
| You can get Mailwasher from
| If that's too much trouble, ask your ISP to delete all e-mails over
| 1MB in size.
| Good luck!
| Larry
| ---
| larry sabo (as one word) at istop dot com
Yes it is perfectly safe to do that................

| Would it be safe to
| download Mailwash when I have Norton running?
| -------------

| > | try using a program called mailwasher,
| > | then you can view the emails
| > before
| > | you actually download them from the server, any offending emails can
| > | deleted immediately and senders added to a blocked list.
Streetwise, I sent you a post. Look up a bit. I also tried Mailwash but I
had to delete it. I found it a bit to much to configer. As I said before it
has to be pimps for me to make computer changes.
streetwise said:
I must be on his blacklist!
Quoth the raven Scottie:
Hi Streetwise, I have just spent the last thirty minutes trying to
do like Bill said and contact my ISP (NTL) on a live online
connection but I couldn’ t cut and past my request from Word onto
their reply page. I think you must have to type live online so they
can make more money for themselves?

Try composing your message in Notepad or some other text editor rather
than Word. It's likely that you pasted Word formatting into the
message box, and that was rejected.
I’m as slow as treacle at typing must be my age (61) so I gave up
in the end.

Now, now, Scottie. Age is no excuse! I'm older than you are and I can
type 60 words per minute.
Anyway the Norton 2004 that I told you that I use is supposed to
stop Spam Emails as well as Pop-ups and Viruses, but in saying that
I had Norton filtering my email when I had got the same problem
last week, so it cant be that good? I really don’t have the
no-it-all, that it takes to beat these Spam/Virus ragbag villains.

It takes practice and experience to learn computer security. That's all.
The problem that I have is; I’m afraid that I will cause more
conflicts downloading other software? Would it be safe to download
Mailwash when I have Norton running?

Norton will not affect your downloads.

The problem you have, as stated, is malformed spams. One of my ISPs
(AT&T Worldnet) has support newsgroups and one of the most-oft asked
questions is:

Q: My mail downloads over and over again! [1]
A: Go to the web mail interface and delete the malformed spam.

[1] ..and stops at <some message number>

BTW, this problem only occurs with Outlook Express. There is a bug in
that program that causes it to stop when it encounters the malformed
header. Mozilla Mail and Thunderbird Mail will download these
offending messages without stopping.

Perhaps it is time for you to upgrade your mail client to something
modern? IE/OE is three years old...
Sorry Beauregardit, I conveniently forgot to mention it’s my spelling that
lets me down, the age thing was just an excuse? It’s nice to know that there
are people older than me typing sixty words a minute, I can hardly talk at
sixty words a minute… only joking? You never said how old you are, now don’t
you tell me you’re a Hundred I wont believe are you? Anyway I got the matter
fixed, it was a email problem like Chris said. I went into "Webmail" and
deleted my email and everything it working Fine. BTS, How do you change from
using Outlook Express and how will that affect me using NTL? I am using NTL
broadband and it loads automatically from their personal disk?


Beauregard T. Shagnasty said:
Quoth the raven Scottie:
Hi Streetwise, I have just spent the last thirty minutes trying to
do like Bill said and contact my ISP (NTL) on a live online
connection but I couldn’ t cut and past my request from Word onto
their reply page. I think you must have to type live online so they
can make more money for themselves?

Try composing your message in Notepad or some other text editor rather
than Word. It's likely that you pasted Word formatting into the
message box, and that was rejected.
I’m as slow as treacle at typing must be my age (61) so I gave up
in the end.

Now, now, Scottie. Age is no excuse! I'm older than you are and I can
type 60 words per minute.
Anyway the Norton 2004 that I told you that I use is supposed to
stop Spam Emails as well as Pop-ups and Viruses, but in saying that
I had Norton filtering my email when I had got the same problem
last week, so it cant be that good? I really don’t have the
no-it-all, that it takes to beat these Spam/Virus ragbag villains.

It takes practice and experience to learn computer security. That's all.
The problem that I have is; I’m afraid that I will cause more
conflicts downloading other software? Would it be safe to download
Mailwash when I have Norton running?

Norton will not affect your downloads.

The problem you have, as stated, is malformed spams. One of my ISPs
(AT&T Worldnet) has support newsgroups and one of the most-oft asked
questions is:

Q: My mail downloads over and over again! [1]
A: Go to the web mail interface and delete the malformed spam.

[1] ..and stops at <some message number>

BTW, this problem only occurs with Outlook Express. There is a bug in
that program that causes it to stop when it encounters the malformed
header. Mozilla Mail and Thunderbird Mail will download these
offending messages without stopping.

Perhaps it is time for you to upgrade your mail client to something
modern? IE/OE is three years old...
Quoth the raven Scottie:
Sorry Beauregardit, I conveniently forgot to mention it’s my
spelling that lets me down, the age thing was just an excuse? It’s
nice to know that there are people older than me typing sixty
words a minute, I can hardly talk at sixty words a minute… only
joking? You never said how old you are, now don’t you tell me
you’re a Hundred I wont believe are you?

A hundred? Heh... no, I'm 63.
Anyway I got the matter fixed, it was a email problem like Chris
said. I went into "Webmail" and deleted my email and everything it
working Fine.

See? There ya go.
BTS, How do you change from using Outlook Express and how will that
affect me using NTL?

You change by installing another program. When it asks "Would you like
(this) to be your default email program?" you answer yes. Don't worry,
they all have an option to "Make (this) your default program)" so you
can switch among them.

It will/should not affect your broadband at all. Mine doesn't care
what software I use. When you install a new email client, you of
course must go to Accounts, and add one for your service.

I'd recommend one of two choices:
Mozilla, which is an all-in-one browser, mail and news program

Firefox browser and its stand-alone companion mail and news
program called Thunderbird

Both mail programs have a spell checker built right in. No need to
have Word installed also.

I'm currently using the Mozilla suite, but occasionally switch to FF
and Tbird for fun. You would only need one set unless you want to play.
I am using NTL broadband and it loads automatically from their
personal disk?

They may have supplied a "branded" version of it, but OE/IE are
Microsoft programs. If your title bar says something like "Microsoft
Internet Explorer provided by <company name>" it's just a Registry
entry to add that to the title bar. I once changed my IE bar to read
"Microborg Internet Exploder provided by the [deleted] in Redmond"

Links to these browsers here:
Can someone please tell me how I can get rid of this problem, I am sure I
have got a virus again? I have Norton Internet Security 2004 and a Norton
Firewall installed. What's happening is; when I am downloading my email I
get a "time-out communicating with the server error" (SSL) No: 0X800CCC19
and the same emails are downloaded again and again. I think the fault is
being caused by an email that only has a folder icon with no subject and no
text? The last time I had this problem (only last week) I had to reformat my
hard drive. I have nothing on my drive that I couldn't put back on, it's
just the time factor and the thought that the shitbag that sent the virus
has caused me a bit of time. Is there a online virus scanner I can try
without loading the virus program on to my hard drive?

Scottie try these

If this is a corrupted email on your ISP's POP3 mail server you can delete
it by using your web access to your email account.

Good luck