Marshall said:
I tried to search Google Groups, but that seems to have lost
its ability to find stuff in the archives. David, if you
are following this thread, we would appreciate it if you can
dredge up that test and re post your findings.
Thanks for the efforts- I was worried I may have had missed something
obvious in my attempt. I really wish there was a better archiving
solution. Ironically enough, when I was searching the archive, I ran
across a old thread where the poster said she couldn't find a cited
thread even with, and that was a decade ago! Guess nothing much
really has changed.
Banana, he performance results you and Tom are reporting are
very interesting, but I am not totally convinced at this
time. Performance testing can be very difficult and tricky,
especially with things that involve I/O. When caching is
used, the first run after a boot can be drastically
different than subsequent runs.
I don't doubt there will be many variables that could skew the tests
which was why I wanted to cross reference David's test to check what I
could have had missed.
FWIW- using OLE automation to start up an Access application and run
only one query using CurrentDb.Execute (e.g. no saved query), then
immediately closing, quitting and cleaning up does not appear to
materially affect the time. The Showplan seems to suggest that a new
instance of engine was started up via OLE Automation, so this should
reflect the boot time/cold start/no caching, I'd think.
Today's multi core processors and seriously fast multi gigabyte memory may very
well make a cached table scan quick enough, maybe nearly as
fast as an index scan.
I'm not so sure about multi-cores/CPU processing. AFAIK, Access
continues to be single-threaded so it'd always use one core so the
benefit of mulitple cores/CPU would be indirect in that OS may be able
to allocate competing resources to other cores/CPUs but beyond that, not
much difference. Note that while JET/ACE has a setting for numbers of
threads, KB articles suggests that thread safety was achieved only if
you use DAO or OLEDB provider and even so, thread-safety is limited.
I also tried tweaking the threads setting from 1 to 4 (default is 3) and
the timing was not affected at least slightest, suggesting to me that
threading was not relevant here.
KB Article:
As for processor & memory enabling a table scan to be as fast as index
scan, this was reason why I did extra check of doing a For...Next Loop
to get a rough idea of how much time it would take to do the false
comparisons that many time. If table scan actually were being done, the
time should have had increased when I expanded the tables. It didn't
while the For...Next loop increased just as much as the increase of
records. As a further comparison, doing a "Not PK = PK" was ridiculously
slow, around 40,000 milliseconds. It's also unfair because of comparing
two variables rather than two hard coded values, but I think the point
remains- if 1=0 actually did do a table scan, it should have been just
as slow as the For...Next loop at least and certainly four times slower
after the table expanded fourfold.
Then there is the issue of what other active processes are
also using the system's resources. A full table scan in
cached memory on a lightly loaded system might be pretty
fast, but when there are other processes making large
demands for processor cycles and memory, the result could be
a completely different story.
I suppose I could try the test again by re-allocating only 512 MB to the
VM and see what happens.
More than a little intriguing is the show plan use of Not
0=0 when the query used some other expression for False.
This strongly implies that the query optimizer can recognize
expressions that evaluate to False. Why it would then say
it will use a full table scan seems contradictory to me.
Well, I've kind of found Showplan to be quite lacking in the details.
For instance, it still does not support showing plans when subqueries
are used, despite having had went through 2 more JET versions and 2 ACE
versions. Another telltale sign is that when the ShowPlan starts up, it
records the Date of 0, suggesting to me that any bugs, issues and/or
enhancements associated with ShowPlan wasn't considered high-priority
and for those reasons, I think it is prudent to take the Showplan's
output with a grain of salt.