Compared to FAT32, they are.
FAT32 systems lose data every time they make a CHK file.
Journaled file systems don't do that.
Every well-used PC with a FAT32 disk has had CHK files on it unless
the user knew to delete them.
You should do more reading to understand what a .chk file really
represents. Very rarely does it represent data from a current "known
good" file vs a previously discarded version.
If you want to read a very good comparative explanation about NTFS vs
FAT32, I suggest you read this:
I'll repeat it below. I suggest Leythos also read it.
14 January 2006
Bad File System or Incompetent OS?
"Use NTFS instead of FAT32, it's a better file system", goes the
knee-jerk. NTFS is a better file system, but not in a sense that every
norm in FAT32 has been improved; depending on how you use your PC and
what infrastructure you have, FATxx may still be a better choice. All
that is discussed here.
The assertion is often made that NTFS is "more robust" than FAT32, and
that FAT32 "always has errors and gets corrupted" in XP. There are two
apparent aspects to this; NTFS's transaction rollback capability, and
inherent file system robustness. But there's a third, hidden factor as
Transaction Rollback
A blind spot is that the only thing expected to go wrong with file
systems is the interruption of sane write operations. All of the
strategies and defaults in Scandisk and ChkDsk/AutoChk (and automated
handling of "dirty" file system states) are based on this.
When sane file system writes are interrupted in FATxx, you are either
left with a length mismatch between FAT chaining and directory entry (in
which case the file data will be truncated) or a FAT chain that has no
directory entry (in which case the file data may be recovered as a "lost
cluster chain" .chk file). It's very rare that the FAT will be
mismatched (the benign "mismatched FAT", and the only case where blind
one-FAT-over-the-other is safe). After repair, you are left with a sane
file system, and the data you were writing is flagged and logged as
damaged (therefore repaired) and you know you should treat that data
with suspicion.
When sane file system writes are interrupted in NTFS, transaction
rollback "undoes" the operation. This assures file system sanity without
having to "repair" it (in essence, the repair is automated and hidden
from you). It also means that all data that was being written is
smoothly and seamlessly lost. The small print in the articles on
Transaction Rollback make it clear that only the metadata is preserved;
"user data" (i.e. the actual content of the file) is not preserved.
Inherent Robustness
What happens when other things cause file system corruption, such as
insane writes to disk structures, arbitrary sectors written to the wrong
addresses, physically unrecoverable bad sectors, unintentional power
interruptions, or malicious malware payloads a la Witty? (Witty worm,
March 2004). That is the true test of file system robustness, and
survivability pivots on four things; redundant information,
documentation, OS accessibility, and data recovery tools.
FATxx redundancy includes the comparison of file data length as defined
in directory entry vs. FAT cluster chaining, and the dual FATs to
protect chaining information that cannot be deduced should this
information be lost. Redundancy is required not only to guide repair,
but to detect errors in the first place - each cluster address should
appear only once within the FAT and collected directory entries, i.e.
each cluster should be part of the chain of one file or the start of the
data of one file, so it is easy to detect anomalies such as cross-links
and lost cluster chains.
NTFS redundancy isn't quite as clear-cut, extending as it does to
duplication of the first 5 records in the Master File Table (MFT). It's
not clear what redundancy there is for anything else, nor are there
tools that can harness this in a user-controlled way.
FATxx is a well-documented standard, and there are plenty of repair
tools available for it. It can be read from a large number of OSs, many
of which are safe for at-risk volumes, i.e. they will not initiate
writes to the at-risk volume of their own accord. Many OSs will tolerate
an utterly deranged FATxx volume simply because unless you initiate an
action on that volume, the OS will simply ignore it. Such OSs can be
used to safely platform your recovery tools, which include
interactively-controllable file system repair tools such as Scandisk.
NTFS is undocumented at the raw bytes level because it is proprietary
and subject to change. This is an unavoidable side-effect of deploying
OS features and security down into the file system (essential if such
security is to be effective), but it does make it hard for tools
vendors. There is no interactive NTFS repair tool such as Scandisk, and
what data recovery tools there are, are mainly of the "trust me, I'll do
it for you" kind. There's no equivalent of Norton DiskEdit, i.e. a raw
sector editor with an understanding of NTFS structure.
More to the point, accessibility is fragile with NTFS. Almost all OSs
depend on NTFS.SYS to access NTFS, whether these be XP (including Safe
Command Only), the bootable XP CD (including Recovery Console), Bart PE
CDR, MS WinPE, Linux that uses the "capture" approach to shelling
NTFS.SYS, or SystemInternals' "Pro" (writable) feeware NTFS drivers for
DOS mode and Win9x GUI.
This came to light when a particular NTFS volume started crashing
NTFS.SYS with STOP 0x24 errors in every context tested (I didn't test
Linux or feeware DOS/Win9x drivers). For starters, that makes ChkDsk
impossible to run, washing out MS's advice to "run ChkDsk /F" to fix the
issue, possible causes of which are sanguinely described as including
"too many files" and "too much file system fragmentation".
The only access I could acquire was BING ( to test the
file system as a side-effect of imaging it off and resizing it (it
passes with no errors), and two DOS mode tactics; the LFN-unaware
ReadNTFS utility that allows files and subtrees to be copied off, one at
a time, and full LFN access by loading first an LFN TSR, then the
freeware (read-only) NTFS TSR. Unfortunately, XCopy doesn't see LFNs via
the LFN TSR, and Odi's LFN Tools don't work through drivers such as the
NTFS TSR, so files had to be copied one directory level at a time.
FATxx concentrates all "raw" file system structure at the front of the
disk, making it possible to backup and drop in variations of this
structure while leaving file contents undisturbed. For example, if the
FATs are botched, you can drop in alternate FATs (i.e. using different
repair strategies) and copy off the data under each. It also means the
state of the file system can be snapshotted in quite a small footprint.
In contrast, NTFS sprawls its file system structure all over the place,
mixed in with the data space. This may remove the performance impact of
"back to base" head travel, but it means the whole volume has to be
raw-imaged off to preserve the file system state. This is one of several
compelling arguments in favor of small volumes, if planning for
OS Competence
From reading the above, one wonders if NTFS really is more survivable or
robust that FATxx. One also wonders why NTFS advocates are having such
bad mileage with FATxx, given there's little inherent in the file system
structural design to account for this. The answer may lie here.
We know XP is incompetent in managing FAT32 volumes over 32G in size, in
that it is unable to format them. (see below). If you do trick XP into
formatting a volume larger than 32G as FAT32, it fails in the dirtiest,
most destructive way possible; it begins the format (thus irreversibly
clobbering whatever was there before), grinds away for ages, and then
dies with an error when it gets to 32G. This standard of coding is so
bad as to look like a deliberate attempt to create the impression that
FATxx is inherently "bad".
But try this on a FATxx volume; run ChkDsk on it from an XP command
prompt and see how long it takes, then right-click the volume and go
Properties, Tools and "check the file system for errors" and note how
long that takes. Yep, the second process is magically quick; so quick,
it may not even have time to recalculate free space (count all FAT
entries of zero) and compare that to the free space value cached in the
FAT32 boot record.
Now test what this implies; deliberately hand-craft errors in a FATxx
file system, do the right-click "check for errors", note that it finds
none, then get out to DOS mode and do a Scandisk and see what that
finds. Riiight... perhaps the reason FATxx "always has errors" in XP is
because XP's tools are too brain-dead to fix them?
My strategy has always been to build on FATxx rather than NTFS, and
retain a Win9x DOS mode as an alternate boot via Boot.ini - so when I
want to check and fix file system errors, I use DOS mode Scandisk,
rather than XP's AutoChk/ChkDsk (I suppress AutoChk). Maybe that's why
I'm not seeing the "FATxx always has errors" problem? Unfortunately, DOS
mode and Scandisk can't be trusted > 137G, so there's one more reason to
prefer small volumes.
While the author quite correctly observes the XP can't format a FAT32
volume larger than 32gb, it's been my experience that when a FAT32
volume (or drive) of any size is pre-formatted and then presented to XP,
that XP has no problems mounting and using the volume / drive, and XP
can even be installed on and operate from such a volume / drive.
The author also mentions the 137 gb volume size issue that is associated
with FAT32, but that association is false. It originates from the fact
that the 32-bit protected mode driver (ESDI_506.PDR) used by win-98 has
a "flaw" that prevents it from correctly addressing sectors beyond the
137 gb point on the drive. There are several work-around for this
(third party replacement for that driver, the use of SATA raid mode,
etc) but that issue is relavent only to win-98 and how it handles large
FAT32 volumes, not how XP handles large FAT32 volumes.