Jon Skeet [C# MVP]
Alvin Bruney said:Yes you have a very good point there. very good indeed. best thing i heard
all week. It's messy. Hell, it scared me and then i blamed it on HTML.
The bandwidth point is good in a class room but it's pointless in a
practical world. There's dsl and cable and satellite. These things are
non-issues. But I suppose it's still an academic point and i'll give it to
Yes, some people have DSL and cable. Are you sure that *all* your
customers do? Bandwidth is still very important in the real world.
It's time to get dsl, is what i say to them. if all you can afford is dial
up, then you aren't part of my target audience.
There are many places in the UK (and the rest of the world, I'm sure)
where people can't get broadband for various reasons. Many of them are
easily able to afford broadband, but it's just not available to them.
Why alienate them?
well said. it's abuse of knowledge and i need to be careful here with what i
say but it drives me up a wall and straight to the toilet to puke when i see
developers using and swearing by primitive tools all because they 'own the
That's a problem with the developers, not the knowledge though - and
that's why I said you had "bad apples" in your team.
That's using knowledge in the reverse. Its rather obvious now that i
have issues with this because i keep having to fight with 'developers' about
going the more productive way. it's not right. and i've largely given up. i
let them do what they want to do and have late projects. I swear i am
telling the truth when this developer decides to build a button control
using GDI instead of dragging and dropping a button on a form. I'm not
making this up. It probably doesn't happen in your world, but it's rotten
here. and you need to be sympathetic to it.
I'm sympathetic to it, but as I said before, it's a mistake to throw
the baby out with the bathwater. Creating your own control is foolish,
but I wouldn't have particularly blamed him if he'd wanted to create
the code himself rather than get VS.NET to do it for him. I find I get
a much better degree of control *and* a much better sense of
understanding the app when I write the GUI part myself.
(In Java, where you pretty much always use a layout manager, it also
means you don't get lulled into a false sense of security.
Unfortunately .NET doesn't currently have a very rich layout engine -
I'm hoping this will change with Whidbey.)