Trip's Quiz time

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Oooops, missed reading page 2 :o - jeez I'm gettin old, now wheres my glasses....
Adywebb said:
I'm with Mucks - one is a BULL :thumb:
PMS LMFAO ... great.


it's taken

it's take me

... oh the tears

... I give up.
Ok so its Ady and he missed the second page , we will have an enquiry and decide .........................

ooops m8 too late no points :D
Bah sucks - you lot are so unfair

Take this Rush...

So, if you get cought out, run down hill ... if there is no hill, run like the wind.

If the bull is chasing you... and you get caught out... you know you have shyte yourself. now thats a load of bull-shyte:lol::lol::lol:

whose a clever boy then mucks:bow:
Back to antifreeze, I'm going to guess salt although I don't really think that's the one. One of those questions I heard once somewhere a l-o-n-g time ago & frustratingly can't remember the answer to I'm afraid, so I may be back later:rolleyes: but I suspect it's more likely to be one of those :wall: type moments. Damn, it's bugging me now.

Little bit of trivia. Antifreeze will kill rot & harden the wood somewhat. And it can be painted over afterwards. Guess the fungi don't find it quite so yummy :lol:
TriplexDread said:
The answer is

Hmmm, didn't see that listed when I browsed Halfords. :D

You must be using the old stuff ... carefull, dogs can die drinking that stuff, not a nice death either ... better get the new formular, its armless. ;)

Question 3

Dead easy!!

Who invented the word battery?

Because this one is so easy gona do two questions today..
Hmmm, is this a trick question :rolleyes:

Count Alessandro Volta invented the first battery in 1799, but whether he invented the word I've no idea, but it was known then as a 'voltaic pile' - the French word for battery being 'pile'.
The word battery i.e. to batter someone has probably been around longer than the term battery as in AA
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