Bjorn Simonsen said:
I've been using the Lite version some (2.9.5)...the full free older
version 2.6.9 had escaped me.
I started using Treepad around late 2001, I think it was, and at that
time there were two product families. The Lite: freeware, plaintext.
The Plus/Pro/whatever: payware, richtext.
I don't know how the early history branched out. In the payware's readme,
the only note I could spot was in this heading: "New features in TreePad
PLUS 3.1.16, compared to the freeware 2.7.3 version."
That older version 2.6.9 there is the plaintext lineage. So, despite
whatever might have been historical facts as far as "full" product
(details that I don't know), I view it best classed as an earlier
incarnation of Treepad Lite / freeware.
First thing I notice after downloading and installing the older version
now (a no-install setup in fact)
The author is good that way. You can run his programs out of the box.
In later programs than this, he includes his installer, for /optional/
use. It's an install.exe file that will execute the (text-readable)
file named install.script.
is that is has a somewhat larger exe (521kb) compared to the Lite
version (341kb). But then I also notice the latter is a upx compressed
exe, the former is not.
So decompressed, then the real sizes: 522k for the older, and 871k for the
latest. Treepad, even this later 2.9.5, it's already fast and light. But
then, I noticed a detectable difference on my machine that the first,
smaller one loads more quickly yet.
The older fulle version also have a somewhat different looking toolbar.
Beyond that I have not explored how they might differ.
In the distributed package for ver 2.9.5, there is a file called manual.hjt,
and it has the history of changes. I'll make a rough summary.
o Added: Copy and Paste of Subtrees
Subtrees can be copy/pasted within a Treepad document, and also
between separate running instances of Treepad.
o Improved: Launch Hyperlinks (ctrl-h)
Previously they always had to be surrounded in quotes. As well,
they had to be fully selected before using the launch hyperlink
command. In the later Treepad, these things are unnecessary.
o Added: Search & Replace in Article
o Redesigned: Search (Tree|Subtree|Nodes|Articles)
One aspect to the new design is the convenient search results pane.
Everything about Search has been changed, developed, in this later
There are also some added keystroke shortcuts. And apparently a wide
reworking of the toolbar buttons (I rarely use toolbars, but see them
discussed in the whatsnew chapter).
I'm not asking for "all the details" on how they differ, just a rough
idea on how they might differ in use... Say like if the Lite version
should be considered an upgrade/improvement vs the older full version
(say if having removed some bugs found in the old). Or say if they are
simply different in other but minor ways (cosmetics/minor feature
enhancements etc)?
For me, those feature changes outlined above make the later product better.
Then for you, if you were to take on regular use of Treepad, you'd further
probably appreciate the various additions to the shortcut keystrokes.
The slight speed increase on loadup that I can detect on my machine with
the earlier, smaller version -- I suspect won't be detectable on your
There would be one advantage in keeping both. It would give us two sets
of layout options. Particularly, the color schemes, as far as what I'd
find notable, tho' it would be all settings: colors, fonts, toolbars,
recently opened list. This is because each of these two versions uses
a different registry key for user settings.
v2.6.9: HKCU\Software\hjh\Treepad\
v2.9.5: HKCU\Software\Freebyte\Treepad2\
Oh, wait. Problem.
The .hjt file format has changed slightly between the two versions. Not
to the extent where the two cannot read each other's files, but where the
display can be affected a bit when older reads the newer. And also, one
would be best off keeping everything consistent. I mean, for example, the
later version generates a field like this: dt=Text. If you ever wanted to
SR or elseways mass-convert your .hjt's, it'd be better to have all of them
using the same layout.
So, conclude. I'd vote staying only with the latest version.
PS dept.
My trying to run the payware side-by-side with the freeware proved a recipe
for bellyache. The core of the problem lay in his use of the same extension
for both. Bad results, even beyond the obvious one - that you don't know
from the extension whether it's one of the plaintext or richtext Treepad
files. An additional bad designe, too. He'd programmed the same window
name for each process. That confused a couple of my programs, such as my
Intellimouse, and my Baxbex open-with shell extension. Then there was the
worst result of all. Anytime I'd run the payware version, it would seize
control of my .hjt files.
So I was made to choose between the two programs. The freeware and the
payware line. The fact is that I much prefer the clean, fast Treepad Lite,
so it's the one I've stuck with.