Treepad File containing the acf Programs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Susan Bugher
  • Start date Start date
["mike ring"; Wed, 27 Oct 2004 18:44:19 GMT]
I only want one, which is why I love treepad lite; store info, and find
it again easily, no rich text, pix, bells and whistles, the whole app
and a (reasonable) amount of info on a floppy.

It's definitely a neat little program. I might keep it around, but Keynote
suits my purposes better. For one thing, TL doesn't handle Asian Unicode
characters, and Keynote can encrypt files with Blowfish. Plus, RTF can come
in handy.

Unfortunately, Keynote has gone dead. Fortunately, it's open-source, so
maybe somebody -- hint, hint -- would want to take it further on their own.
Is TL still being updated?
Unfortunately, Keynote has gone dead.

Rumors, rumors! :) KeyNote is not dead. It's only sleeping. Sometimes it's
in a bit of a trance, other times is simply nods off and dreams. It'll be
back one day.

Speaking of TreePad...where can one download the TreePad which reads this
datafile? I'm not seeming to find version 2.7. Need a version for
WinXPHome. Version 2.6 doesn't seem to pull the datafile in.
["marek jedlinski"; Wed, 10 Nov 2004 21:58:33 GMT]
Rumors, rumors! :) KeyNote is not dead. It's only sleeping. Sometimes it's
in a bit of a trance, other times is simply nods off and dreams. It'll be
back one day.

I certainly hope so ...
marek jedlinski said:
Rumors, rumors! :) KeyNote is not dead. It's only sleeping. Sometimes it's
in a bit of a trance, other times is simply nods off and dreams.

Let us whisper into its ears, as it dreams. ("tables, tables...")
It'll be back one day.

May it rise again, to traverse new lands....
AnandaQuest said:
Speaking of TreePad...where can one download the TreePad which reads this
datafile? I'm not seeming to find version 2.7. Need a version for

Try the Treepad homepage ( The version that I got from
there is v2.95 (2002).
Version 2.6 doesn't seem to pull the datafile in.

I have a copy of the vintage TPD v2.69 (1999). It read the acf programs
data file without problems. But it is still a good idea to upgrade.

Or is it possible that you have some other program? There used to be
floating around a commercial company which basically tried to hijack
the Treepad name, and (mis)direct users to take up its product instead.
omega said:
Try the Treepad homepage ( The version that I got from
there is v2.95 (2002).

Already been there before asking here.
I have a copy of the vintage TPD v2.69 (1999). It read the acf programs
data file without problems. But it is still a good idea to upgrade.

Or is it possible that you have some other program? There used to be

The one I have says 2.6.9c by Henk Hagedoom. When I attempt to load the
datafile with this copy I get no noticable response.
I don't know about that, but I know there used to be a VB project on Planet
Source Code that was similar.
AnandaQuest said:
Already been there before asking here.

Looking at the download page, I see the cause of your overlooking
the later one, and spotting only Treepad v2.69. The one you want,
its full name is actually "Treepad Lite for Windows."
The one I have says 2.6.9c by Henk Hagedoom. When I attempt to load the
datafile with this copy I get no noticable response.

If you don't get success with even the later version of Treepad, then
you ought try re-downloading that data file. The first time could have
been a corrupt/incomplete download.
| Never finished! The acf program pages get updated often
| - I'll try to update the Treepad file once a month or thereabouts.

Susan ....

Seems like only yesterday that you were only getting started
with a TreePad PL ....

# -------------------------------------------------------------

Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
Date: 2002-05-27 23:35:34 PST

Cousin said:
Perhaps a PriceLessWare TreePad file
could be useful ...

I built an EMPTY one ...
[ ~ 14 KB ] ... single xxxxx.HJT file ... zipped up ...

Many Nodes ..... for PL Categories
NO Content ...

However, a fairly decent index for a 1st draft ...

Maybe someone has a trick up their sleeve
to load it with all of individual programs
without too much trouble ...

From: Susan Bugher ([email protected])
Subject: Re: need a very simple cardfile

Hi Cousin Stanley,

I like your idea. Downloaded the file instantly. How could I resist a
temptation like that?

Then of course I had to play. I made PriceLessWare_02.hjt - it has all
the 2002 PricelessWare picks listed by category... Would you like a
copy to review? (remove whoi if you want to email me offlist)

I think all the program info should go into the alphabetical section -
to avoid duplication - for ease of updating (a node for each of the 233
programs). What do you think?

The trick I have up my sleeve is importing .csv files - I already have
most of the info in a spreadsheet. :}

Cousin Susan
(TreePad fan)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cousin said:
| Never finished! The acf program pages get updated often
| - I'll try to update the Treepad file once a month or thereabouts.

Susan ....

Seems like only yesterday that you were only getting started
with a TreePad PL ....

and *you* started me down that road.

# -------------------------------------------------------------

Newsgroups: alt.comp.freeware
Date: 2002-05-27 23:35:34 PST

Cousin said:
Perhaps a PriceLessWare TreePad file
could be useful ...

I built an EMPTY one ...
[ ~ 14 KB ] ... single xxxxx.HJT file ... zipped up ...

Many Nodes ..... for PL Categories
NO Content ...

However, a fairly decent index for a 1st draft ...

Maybe someone has a trick up their sleeve
to load it with all of individual programs
without too much trouble ...

From: Susan Bugher ([email protected])
Subject: Re: need a very simple cardfile

Hi Cousin Stanley,

I like your idea. Downloaded the file instantly. How could I resist a
temptation like that?
The trick I have up my sleeve is importing .csv files - I already have
most of the info in a spreadsheet. :}

and a very nice trick it's proved to be. . .

Any suggestions for improvement in the layout of the ACF programs
Treepad file? Contents can be rearranged pretty easily. . .

["Susan Bugher"; Sun, 14 Nov 2004 21:13:18 GMT]
Any suggestions for improvement in the layout of the ACF programs
Treepad file? Contents can be rearranged pretty easily. . .

Just as a possible source of ideas, here's a link to a few files I made
using Keynote:

Includes: a Keynote-exported Treepad Lite file, a screenshot of how the
original file looks in Keynote, and a couple of neato Keynote exports to TXT
and RTF (just for kicks). I just started it a couple of weeks ago or so, so
it's not too complete, but I do like my layout. As you can see, it exports
to plain text just fine. (Turn off that word-wrap, though.)
Jaxxim said:
["Susan Bugher"; Sun, 14 Nov 2004 21:13:18 GMT]
Any suggestions for improvement in the layout of the ACF programs
Treepad file? Contents can be rearranged pretty easily. . .

Just as a possible source of ideas, here's a link to a few files I made
using Keynote:

Thanks for sharing. :) I think we're headed in different directions.
I'm aiming for a Treepad file that's easy to search. IMO a separate node
for each app is preferable for that. It looks like your focus is more on
an indexed bookmark file.
Includes: a Keynote-exported Treepad Lite file, a screenshot of how the
original file looks in Keynote, and a couple of neato Keynote exports to TXT
and RTF (just for kicks). I just started it a couple of weeks ago or so, so
it's not too complete, but I do like my layout. As you can see, it exports
to plain text just fine. (Turn off that word-wrap, though.)

Treepad, Keynote and a spreadsheet are my favorite combination. I
imported .csv files (created from the spreadsheet data) into Treepad to
create the ACF programs file. When I want the ability to export nodes
separately I import .csv files into Treepad then import the Treepad file
into Keynote and export from there. I've created several hundred HTML
files in an hour or two using that method. :)
