To paraphrase Mr Spock "Top posting is illogical, Captain". Who
answeres a question /before/ it's asked?!
But, The question has been asked already. Otherwise, you won't be
posting a reply. Duh!
People who top-post are too lazy to snip, IMNSHO. And to say it's out
of "consideration" is complete bollocks, and you know it. People have
to scroll down to see what the original question was!
If you missed the original post. Then YOU can scroll down to read it.
Why should we be forced to scroll through a post we've already read??
Especially, When as noted before, we have to scroll through 15kb or more
of repeated post to read a two or three word response.
Programmers write "Help Files" for a reason. use them.
"Due to Viewer dicretion...
Graphic violence is advised"