@#$%! Toolbars

  • Thread starter Thread starter Darren Harris
  • Start date Start date
Noel, 3/4 of the people that are using ME, haven't even applied the
restore patch, and restore has been dead since (whatever the date was
2001) and that's how long the 'problem' virii, system file, whatever,
has existed. Just drop the SR thing and preach the proper way to back
up. Roll back? no no no such thing in ME. lets split some more
hairs... imaging- back up -ghosting -tape - CD-ROM -DVDrom and
whatever else you can think up, is what I mean by backup. as long as
you don't include SR.

SR works sometimes, this is what you will rely on?
Same goes for a system infected with for instance "CoolWeb"; I have
seen it return into the system from restore poitns

The latest CWS variant reinfests the system from a phantom Service
installed on XP systems with an associated executable and/or .dll
files that are located in Temp directories on XP and 9x systems.

By THOROUGHLY scanning the system with a reliable AV tool, not an AV
program, ( Sysclean by Trendmicro will detect infested restore
points ) and a reputable spyware program ( AdAwareSE or Spybot ),
one can determine EXACTLY which points are infested.
WHY would one have to lose all restore points ? You're supposition
is incorrect.

MowGreen [MVP]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten
again with specific scenarios........

MowGreen said:
The latest CWS variant reinfests the system from a phantom Service
installed on XP systems with an associated executable and/or .dll
files that are located in Temp directories on XP and 9x systems.

By THOROUGHLY scanning the system with a reliable AV tool, not an AV
program, ( Sysclean by Trendmicro will detect infested restore
points ) and a reputable spyware program ( AdAwareSE or Spybot ),
one can determine EXACTLY which points are infested.
WHY would one have to lose all restore points ? You're supposition
is incorrect.

MowGreen [MVP]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten
JAD said:
Noel, 3/4 of the people that are using ME, haven't even applied the
restore patch, and restore has been dead since (whatever the date was
2001) and that's how long the 'problem' virii, system file, whatever,
has existed. Just drop the SR thing and preach the proper way to back
up. Roll back? no no no such thing in ME. lets split some more
hairs... imaging- back up -ghosting -tape - CD-ROM -DVDrom and
whatever else you can think up, is what I mean by backup. as long as
you don't include SR.

SR works sometimes, this is what you will rely on?

Sheesh!!! What a bunch of bull!!! The SR is the *only* lifeline that many
poor souls out there that don't know what they are doing have to save their
bacon when it comes down to keeping their system running, or a having to do
a complete reformat....and for arrogant jerks like you who think they are
computer guru's because they know how to change out a CD! Now you want to
try to make everyone think you know more than the experts who actaully do
know what they are talking about.

Go tell your nonsense to someone else who has their head buried in the sand.

what are you guys SR fanatics...........its crap...don't you read?
There are some that get their bacon saved...its a lark. Most ME
systems that survived the XP craze are pretty used up and
abused(except for the illustrious MVP machines) and haven't had much
done to them in years. Virii and all kinds of stuff have made it grind
to a stop, and the 1 gig celery is now considered the problem. System
restore is USELESS. There is none because it died 2 years ago. You
guys read out of a book and think it applies to every situation or
because it works on yours and the MVP's that it works for everybody.
TOTAL FANTASY LAND let me introduce you reality the MVP's <>MVP's
reality....get to know one another...
Why don't *you* listen (for a change?)?
MANY people in these newsgroups have been 'saved' by System Restore - just
because you find that it doesn't suit the way you ant to set up your PC
doesn't mean that the same is true of others!
All you need to do is to look back through Google to see the numbers.

Granted - if people aren't savvy enough to use Windows Update, then they're
stuffed - but then they'd be stuffed anyhow, with or without System Restore

Your circumstances are NOT those of the vast majority of ME users - let the
real world get on with life, until you find one.

Noel Paton (MS-MVP 2002-2005, Windows)

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Please read on how to post messages to NG's
With all due respect....
1) we have no way to know from where the responses to our posts are coming -
except that on purely subjective terms, it's unlikely to be from the Windows
newsgroups. That leaves a 50/50 chance of excluding the wrong people!)
2) The OP may have posted from your NG - and consider this on-topic, since
System Restore is a 'free' utility built into Windows ME and Windows XP (and
no other operating system.
3) the attacks are originating not from the MVPs - but from folk who have
obviously no regard for factual discussion. Such diatribes from the
'MS-bashers' are not infrequent. Unfortunately your (worthy) NG appears to
have been dragged into the result as an unwilling host

With the above in mind, I will continue to respond to these disingenuous and
misleading posts, in all the groups to which they are posted. I suggest
that you request the 'strangers in the house' to remove your NG from their
posts - I will most certainly not add it back in (this one time is an
exception for which I apologise).

Noel Paton (MS-MVP 2002-2005, Windows)

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Please read on how to post messages to NG's

Please Remove ACF from this thread said:
Mike Maltby, MS-MVP, wrote to
you are clearly speaking from your nether regions.

This is a request that the posters in the microsoft groups will please
remove alt.comp.freeware from this thread.

In alt.comp.freeware, we have a comparatively good record of civility.
We try to avoid those ad hominem attacks when we debate.

Yet: we can be as vulnerable as any other group to periodically
slipping into flame wars, especially when the atmosphere gets tainted.
Posts like the majority in this thread, they make for a corrosion
on the mutal-respect, the basic manners, which we strive to maintain
in our group.

None of this subject is on-topic to alt.comp.freeware.

Our topic is freeware.

Whatever various MVP's feel about the commercial Windows ME OS, that is
not a topic for our newsgroup.
On that special day, Noel Paton, ([email protected])
In the MS newsgroups, it's common practice to allow any form of posting
without comment,

Hm, then we must have a different Microsoft news server over here in
Germany, which is sporting this link.


"Kürzen Sie zitierten Text auf ein Minimum" - snip the quoted text to
the minimum of what is required

"Das so genannte TOFU (Text oben Fullquote unten) ist für die User sehr
unübersichtlich und verlängert nur unnötig die Downloadzeit." - the so
called TOFU (text on top, fullquote under text) appears to be very
unclear to other users, and elongates the download time.

Heh- maybe I am living on Mars, bnut this is what I can read in the
*German* section of the Microsoft news entry pages.

"Versenden Sie keine Multipostings oder Crosspostings" - don't multipost
or crosspost - I am currently writing from alt.comp.freeware, why did
this happen?
In short - you have (again) shown exactly how little you know!

Erm, what do I NOT know?

These interesting pages for instance? An interesting read on Malware and
system restore issues are:

contains a link to the first page. Guess why. I thing McAfee doesn't
talk bollocks.

You see, the malware has changed within the last three years. Yet
Windows XP is basically using the same old system restore from three
years ago (or four, if you take the WinME SR into account). No one in
the year 2000 could anticipate the things that are constantly happening
*now*. I don't blame MS for making *this* kind of SR; I just want to
make clear that time has made it partially dysfunctional. And that is a

BTW: The German MVPs often recommend to disable SR when removing malware
from an infected ME or XP computer. We have had some first hand
experience with Blaster, Sasser and Netsky, as it had been two Germans,
who "created" these critters. There is a connection between this
experience and our obstinate demanding that SR should be disabled when
clearing a machine from any given malware. And this connection isn't
founded on plain paranoia.

And then there are these security fanatic fundamentalists which ask you
to do even more drastical things - "flatten and rebuild".


Better *don't* ask such a German security newsgroup regular whether you
can keep your current setup, without formatting your partitions, as
you'll be flamed crisp.

I didn't even go that far...

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)
Just because the AV companies say something does not make it so! - they
frequently talk BS (especially where SR is concerned).
NAV still insist that their software is compatible with Win ME (and
presumably other Win9x systems) despite massive evidence to the contrary.
How recently did they realise that diallers and commercial malware was
around, and start doing something about it, after denying any relevance for

I am aware of the difference of opinions in the disabling of System Restore
during cleaning of systems, and on occasion recommend it myself - but ONLY
under certain circumstances, when SR is unlikely to be of assistance in any
cure, or has already been proved to be ineffective for technical reasons
unconnected with the infection.

WRT the advice in the MS page you mention, yes, I am aware of it, and to an
extent agree with it - however, I feel that in general, if a poster comes to
the ME newsgroups, they are likely to be using the *abysmal* MS CDO
interface (HTML), and many of these poor souls seem unable to find the '+'
key to expand a thread - and therefore deserve to get the full history of
the response should they feel so inclined, within the single post. Where I
consider it appropriate, I do snip.

Your demonstration of your own ignorance is growing in direct proportion to
the length of this thread.

Noel Paton (MS-MVP 2002-2005, Windows)

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Please read on how to post messages to NG's
your out of touch...............its obvious

you haven't listened to anybody since you tagged yourself with that

Noel Paton said:
Why don't *you* listen (for a change?)?
MANY people in these newsgroups have been 'saved' by System Restore - just
because you find that it doesn't suit the way you ant to set up your PC
doesn't mean that the same is true of others!
All you need to do is to look back through Google to see the numbers.

Granted - if people aren't savvy enough to use Windows Update, then they're
stuffed - but then they'd be stuffed anyhow, with or without System Restore

Your circumstances are NOT those of the vast majority of ME users - let the
real world get on with life, until you find one.

Noel Paton (MS-MVP 2002-2005, Windows)

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Please read on how to post messages to NG's
attacks = anything contrary to your preaching. You think this is an
ATTACK? sad ..

Noel Paton said:
With all due respect....
1) we have no way to know from where the responses to our posts are coming -
except that on purely subjective terms, it's unlikely to be from the Windows
newsgroups. That leaves a 50/50 chance of excluding the wrong people!)
2) The OP may have posted from your NG - and consider this on-topic, since
System Restore is a 'free' utility built into Windows ME and Windows XP (and
no other operating system.
3) the attacks are originating not from the MVPs - but from folk who have
obviously no regard for factual discussion. Such diatribes from the
'MS-bashers' are not infrequent. Unfortunately your (worthy) NG appears to
have been dragged into the result as an unwilling host

With the above in mind, I will continue to respond to these disingenuous and
misleading posts, in all the groups to which they are posted. I suggest
that you request the 'strangers in the house' to remove your NG from their
posts - I will most certainly not add it back in (this one time is an
exception for which I apologise).

Noel Paton (MS-MVP 2002-2005, Windows)

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi

Please read on how to post messages to NG's

Mike Maltby, MS-MVP, wrote to
you are clearly speaking from your nether regions.

This is a request that the posters in the microsoft groups will please
remove alt.comp.freeware from this thread.

In alt.comp.freeware, we have a comparatively good record of civility.
We try to avoid those ad hominem attacks when we debate.

Yet: we can be as vulnerable as any other group to periodically
slipping into flame wars, especially when the atmosphere gets tainted.
Posts like the majority in this thread, they make for a corrosion
on the mutal-respect, the basic manners, which we strive to maintain
in our group.

None of this subject is on-topic to alt.comp.freeware.

Our topic is freeware.

Whatever various MVP's feel about the commercial Windows ME OS, that is
not a topic for our newsgroup.
JAD said:
attacks = anything contrary to your preaching. You think this is an
ATTACK? sad ..

SR worked for me. I don't really know how many people have found it to be

Indeed, most of the time, it does NOTHING for me (kind of like insurance).
But it worked once when I needed it.
On that special day, Noel Paton, ([email protected])
Your demonstration of your own ignorance is growing in direct proportion to
the length of this thread.

In other words: This time you couldn't prove that I was completely
wrong, and now you are annoyed.

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)
Gabriele Neukam said:
On that special day, Shane, ([email protected]) said...

If you want to give us the idea that system restore is the ultimate
solution to a screwed up computer, you are misunderstanding something.

Well, no, that's not what I want to do and I don't see how you could get the
idea that it was.
It cannot be a do-it-all wonder. It can replace some files with older
versions, and replace messed up registries, and that's it.

Right. And that's all it needs to do.
I myself deactivated my system restore in Windows ME in late 2000, and
guess what. My machine never was screwed up, didn't get infected by any
worm although there were dozens if not hundreds in the mail box, and
hasn't yet been trojanized or hijacked.

So what?
Why? I don't run Outlook Express for fetching mail, but T-Online eMail,
which is an extremely "dumb" mail program, and cannot be coaxed to "run"
"wavefiles" because of a malformed attachment declaration. And I surf
with opera or Mozilla, but never with an Internet Explorer.

I run Internet Explorer and Outlook Express (and Outlook) and I don't get
viruses, trojans, worms or other malware. So you see, Gabriele, it has
nothing whatsoever to do with what you or I achieve. It is in fact about
what those who are insufficiently knowledgable or indeed careful, fail to
achieve, and that they are precisely the ones most likely to benefit from
the ability to reverse loss of network settings, say, having cleaned
malware, with a couple of clicks and the minimum of technical instruction.
So my system is free of any given malware, and this WITHOUT system
restore. Someone who cannot keep his computer clean because of too basic
knowledge about how to operate it, will probably also be unable to tell
apart which restore point might be safe, and which not. And if the

Yes, well that's what I mean about elitism. Learning the principles of Safe
Hex is - except for those pre-disposed to the kind of logical thinking that
comes easily to the computer geek, ie one who is good at mathematics, ie not
the majority of the population - requires something of a philosophical
shift. The requisite understanding of System Restore can be adequately
expressed in a very short paragraph that large numbers of people who are not
innately computer-literate are nonetheless intelligent enough to understand.

Add to this the fact that most viruses are almost certainly discovered
almost immediately following infection and restoring a day or two before
one's AV notified of it will usually be sufficient.

When (if) one suggests the use of System Restore following a malware
infection, one includes - inseperably - the proviso that one restore back to
before the infection. This is leaving the decision about whether or not that
date can be reliably determined, to the user. Unlike - apparently - you, I
do not consider everyone who is not a geek to be stupid.

But bear in mind - and one wonders who the stupid one is here - that at no
point was I suggesting using System Restore to recover from an infection,
but to return to square one in the event of the cleaning causing problems.
malware has planted itself into the _RESTORE folder, it might restore
itself into activity, exactly what you DON'T want to happen.

I assume this is your English rather than that you don't know that malware
does not infiltrate _Restore. System File Protection stops that happening
and, as I said, if the malware can circumvent SFP it really has no need to
infiltrate System Restore. Any arguments along the lines of malware
infiltrating System Restore make no sense.
System restore might work ok in exactly one case - you install a new
driver or a botched Norton, and after restart, your machine gives a lot
of errors. Restoring *immediately* after the screw up, can fix this.

Spoken like someone who has System Restore disabled.
But even then, you have to be able to at least start *into* Windows. If
all you get is a blue screen and a "Windows will now shut down", your
wonderful system restore is moot. Because it can only be run from
*inside* Windows.

System Restore can be run without starting Explorer in the same way Zvi's
Togglemod works. But if you can't even get that far then, no, System Restore
is useless. But then I never remotely suggested System Restore was a cure
Acronis True Image, PowerQuest Drive Image and Norton Ghost on the other
hand, can be run from *outside* Windows. This is what JAD was referring
to, when he spoke of a BACK UP.

Yes, I know. I use Drive Image. Far more people have System Restore than a
drive imaging program and of those who do, few will be making backups more
than once a week.

Never realised how obnoxious you are.

Papageno said:
SR worked for me. I don't really know how many people have found it to be

Indeed, most of the time, it does NOTHING for me (kind of like insurance).
But it worked once when I needed it.

Spot on.
