Oh. Oh. Oh. Did I ever feel delicate today. But not quite as bad now as I did first thing this morning.
Finished sounds at 1.30am, left pub at 2am after putting all the cables away ready for collection this morning. The evening went very well, kept everybody happy including all the twenty-somethings.
But, did not get off to a good start, my flashing light columns went bang. I'm not sure what caused it but it took out my mains distribution board fuse and the pub's circuit breaker.
I suspect either a faulty light sequencer, the most likely suspect, or a fractured mains cable. The sequencer sends the mains to the light boxes on a seven core cable and this is what happened to part of it, completely burnt out. But it happened whilst stationary, so seems quite odd, this section was about a metre from one end.
I've fixed it now though. One spotlamp had blown but I don't think one bulb blowing would cause that damage. As for the sequencer, scorch marks inside and it looks as though several triacs have blown, I'll investigate that later. Fortunately I have a spare sequencer, though it's only a simple chaser, not as intricate as the one that's gone bang.
Did have two projectors and a strobe though so not all was lost.
Walked home along the Thames at 2.15am and it was actually very quiet, all the pubs had closed for the evening.
And to round off, not sure if this will be legible but here's the menu from the Trafalgar if you fancy dining there today. Some would say it's basic others would call it unimaginative. I did try the whitebait once, they were bloody horrible
very fishy and greasy, but there again I'm not mad keen on fish.
And I thought I'd share this with you. Last night, to my right, were this couple.
Quite an odd couple. there was this blonde girl who all night long looked as though she was trying to seduce the guy she was with, she looked to be about 18 to 20 years old.
She was trying every trick in the book, nuzzling his neck, grinding her hips against him, letting cleavage show, the whole works.
But this guy, who only looks to be about fifteen, was either brain dead, had no libido or was Gay cos he just stood there with this big saddo expression on his face, he just didn't, er, rise to the bait.
Or maybe he was just plain scared
Have a look at the pix, I'm sure they speak volumes.
Twas one of the funniest things I've seen for a while, lol