IMVHO, I would make this a priority as soon as you get the immediate
situation taken care of, just to avoid another catastrophe in the future.
Databases always seem to grow, and whatever means you come up with to handle
the immediate task is probably not going to be ideal as far as db designs go,
and you can almost count on it growing further in the future (after all, this
is why you're here now right??).
I don't mean to sound like a business consultant here, but this type of
splitting FE's and organizing might be the only *real* answer for the long
term. Understandably, this is a huge project, but 100hours to take care of
it this year (possibly redirecting some user's tasks to accomplish it) may
put you in a position will you will never have to worry about an oversized db
As for duplicate code, if it's just copy&paste from one FE to the next, a
sound documentation system should make this easy enough to track and update
in batch form when the time comes. Or possibly a reference library as
earlier mentioned.
Anyway, this is just my personal opinion... don't take it the wrong way. I
just hate to see someone spend so much time on what will probably be a only a
relatively temporary solution. And I would expect performance levels to
significantly increase if you could quarter the amount of objects through a
project like that. There seems to be so much going on, and the suggestions
so far will add to the internal work required by access to process the same
data, where as this type of long term solution would probably decrease it
from where you are now.
Jack Leach
"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)