Yes, see my reply to AS. My reader was set for USENET style. That
places my sig after my reply, not after what I quoted. It's set for
Fidolook style on this post...The sig at the bottom after the complete
message. I would think that others would prefer the USENET style, as it
saves them from having to eliminate the quoted text from the reply.
Since my newsreader automatically ignores the greeting, sig, and
formatting of the post that I'm replying to and formats the post
according to my wishes regardless of the OPs formatting instructions, I
don't always see any formatting errors, missing quotes, etc. Perhaps
I'll try this format for a while and see if any complaints arise. Wanna
bet someone won't like it this way either.

Heck, I'm surprised that
one of the control freaks hasn't complained about my X-face yet.Thanks,
Vic. Have a good one.
VD> On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 07:28:58 -0500, RE: Re: Re: Too funny! "Jack
VD> Jack,
VD> It does look like something is wrong with the placement of you sig
VD> delimiter. Here's what this post that I'm replying to looked like
VD> (delimited by the "====") befor I hit the reply button:
VD> =================
VD> That's a function of the server that you use, not what newsreader
VD> you read it with. Try the server at the University of Berlin. It
VD> carries it.
VD> --
VD> Jack
VD> been
S>> trying for months and can't get ACF in OE at all).
VD> ================
VD> Note that some of the message that you are quoting as "S>" is after
VD> the sig delimiter.