[JMHO] No...I'm not specifically referring to a particular post by anyone. I've seen the term mentioned several times in the group. I don't recall who coined the phrase, but it fits in a sense with what has been happening in the group lately. It struck me as a good, descriptive phrase for the way some posters lately are trying to impose their thoughts, principles, way of doing things, rules, bylaws, posting guidelines, definitions, _______________ (Place your own adjectives here) on others, when it is an exercise in futility from the get go. The FACT is, this is USENET..."The Autobahn of the internet" (like it or not). The regulars that post here are a very small percentage of the regulars that use this group. On any given day, hundreds of people use this group totally transparent to most of the participants here, and each of those people use it just how they want to use it. They take from the group what they want and they give to the group what they want. They don't want anything specifically from the group, except what they want, be it software, reading entertainment, technical advice, etc. If they want to become part of a group or community, they act according to whatever group or community guidelines the given group or community that they wish to be accepted into accepts and subscribes to. This group, just like every other NG on the net, is made up of many different types of people and many different groups, be it the strict ____________ people (put your own group) or the lenient______________people. The name of this group might as well be alt.freeware.argument, as that's what it's become. It doesn't matter which side of the argument a person thinks is the right side. They're all wrong to somebody, somewhere depending on their viewpoint. Wake up! There are countless UBB forums, covering any subject that one can think, want or dream of, that are moderated and run under strict guidelines and definitions. If that's what someone wants, that's where they should be. Not here in USENET where it's always been survival of the fittest and just about anything goes. Stealing the group's name and placing it on an unendorsed web ring is going a little overboard, but in the end, what good is arguing about it? See it as you see fit, endorse it or don't endorse it, use it or don't use it, recommend it or don't recommend it, voice your opinion about it or don't voice an opinion about it, but realize that in the grand scheme of things, it just doesn't matter one way or the other. Jeeze, people...life's too short to get all worked up over something that you can't have any control over and can't change one way or the other (whether it's right or wrong). Go outside and smell the roses, take a walk, feed the birds, sweep the walk, talk to your neighbor, etc, but drop the arguing...you'll be a better, happier person for it and then maybe the group can get back to its intended purpose. [/JMHO]

A> Alastair Smeaton wrote:
??>> On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 14:43:38 -0500, "Jack D. Russell, Sr."
A> Can't find the post straight off. It's by Blinky and makes reference
A> to a particular newbie who started posting about how the whole group
A> ought to be restructured, blah, blah, blah. It was a rather good
A> turn of phrase - coming in from nowhere and immediately wanting to
A> rearrange all the furniture.