
That's already on my Amazon wish list (for PC).

I'll probably wait for a few reviews first though, trailers always make games look good.

Aliens: Colonial Marines also looks interesting though I must say I thought the last Aliens game was rubbish.
aye very true. they put all good actions scenes in trailers like movies

yeah seen clips for aliens never bought last one though
Is Tombraider a subscription-free game, or am I wrong about that? (Please excuse my ignorance lol.)
Wow! That looks really awesome! Thanks for the additional linky TXD :thumb:
I think this is gonna be a preorder tbh doing it for £25 with DLC's

"The in-game Explorer Bundle is Only At GAME. Included in this bundle is an exploration themed Challenge Tomb and an early access bonus survival advantage:

Challenge Tomb - An exclusive tomb for Lara to raid! In this new location, Lara will encounter all new environment puzzles that will test her abilities
Fast Climb Upgrade - Early access to the fast climb skill upgrade will let Lara ascend mountain faces more quickly. Handy when avoiding her attackers in a fight to take the higher ground!"

However according to Game it is available for download NOW at just under £30 pc

Not sure how they can justify that tbh but hey ho

"PC version better than consoles?"
“We have dedicated people making sure the PC game feels just like console ones, but at the same time takes the best advantage of the format. We’ll have things like being able to have higher-resolution textures.
There’s a lot of details I can’t go into right now, but the PC version will definitely make those who have a powerful gaming PC very, very happy.”
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Ahh thats the on i was thinking about before "the guardian of light"

Ive just preordred Explorer edition from £24.99

Looking at the Steam offer I may be tempted to cancel it now though lol
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The GAME deal looks a better option for me, extra content and saving £6.50.

I already have Lara Croft & The Guardian Of Light, finished it, and may I say it's a very good game indeed, I can thoroughly recommend it.
The GAME deal looks a better option for me, extra content and saving £6.50.

I already have Lara Croft & The Guardian Of Light, finished it, and may I say it's a very good game indeed, I can thoroughly recommend it.

Yes mate gonna stick with my choice from Game

Just bought GoL from Steam with all DLC's for £8.46 I think it was

Loved Soul Reaver on PSX so looking forward to seeing those skins in game

Actually I think it was PC I had Soul reaver on not Playstation
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Great looking game I'm looking forward to this. Now if only I could finish the LC game I'm stuck in. :cry:
Hmm, I'm not interested in Multiplayer, I own and have finished Guardian Of Light so that leaves just one small add-on as a bonus for choosing Steam to buy it from. Two quid cheaper at GAME and I prefer the cliff climb mod they're offering so I'll probably pre-order from GAME.

Assuming, that is, I haven't left it too late to pre-order for that price and with that perk from GAME, I'll have to check. If the GAME offer is over I'll just get it from Steam.
So, went to the GAME store online this morning to pre-order and couldn't find the £25 offer. Followed TXD's link and there it is for £25 but without the previously offered goodies. So I bought it for £27.00 from Steam where at least I'd get some small thing extra. And I gave the Guardian Of Light game away to another Forum member here.

Only thing is, Tomb Raider hasn't downloaded and installed yet, which is what normally happens with a pre-purchase, has anybody else pre-ordered and had the game install?

As for GAME, I'm becoming a little wary of them, they withdrew their Tomb Raider offer and last Autumn they e-mailed me twice offering Borderlands 2 for half price and each time I went to take them up on their offer, they'd sold out - well, what a surprise :rolleyes:

Not good GAME, not good at all.
Pre loads apparently started today Mr F. :)

I'm probs gonna buy this tonight via Steam, Was playing Underworld almost all day yesterday! lol

Good game, shocking camera!

I do like the look of the TressFX in this game...

Thanks for reply Mr V :)

About ten minutes after I made that last post a button popped up by the Tomb Raider entry in Steam that said 'Pre-load now'. So I did, just waiting for the start now.

I've read a coupla reviews that say in some parts of the game the player has little control over the main character and during some climbing sequences it's just a case of mashing a button/space bar. I certainly hope I haven't wasted my money.

Couple that with the fact the game is published by Square Enix - not exactly my flavour of the month at the moment - and you could say Mr Flops is having second thoughts on the purchase. Still, too late now ;)

I've had a few TR games for a while now, recently played 8 hours worth of Legend but am stuck on last part of the West Africa chapter trying to outrun a boulder so I've given up. Have also played 19 hours of Underworld, very good game, great puzzles but yes - crap camera.
mine arrived this morning.
Included was the DLC Explorer pack code

for Challenge tomb and Agility upgrade