Ya thank you thank you THANKS. I got zapped by a nasty Malware weekend before last. I was able to hibernate the thing but I wasn't able to fix the automatic search issue. I would type in eisenhower and got this in return in the address bar of IE:
http:/// eisenhower
Would you like to hear something that happened with this thing. I have a program called asviewer.exe. This gives a lot of startup locations beyond just the Run keys in the registry. I had a file the malware put in system32 called ilizak.exe. The name is not important but the behavior is.
I couldn't stop the "malware" from writing this file into this location when I was logged on as Administrator. No other user did that. So I made an empty text file named ilizak.exe and put it in system32 while signed on as a different Admin and removed ALL permissions from it. That kept the file from appearing in system32. But it did not stop the call to it placed in the Run key under HKLM. Now for the interesting part.
While signed in as Administrator asviewer would tell me that there was a call in the Run key under HKLM that pointed to C:\WINNT\system32\ilizak.exe. But when I looked at the key it was NOT there. I could delete the key and put it back then run asviewer and the call would not be there. But log out then back in as Administrator and there it was again. asviewer saying it was there but not visible when I looked.
Do you believe that? I wouldn't but it's true.
The other interesting thing this is ilizak.exe was not viewable in system32 using Windows Explorer while logged in as Administrtaor. I had to log into a different Administrator I made long ago and could see it. I could also access the machine from a different system and see it. It was 38KB and no icon resources in it. And believe it or not I couldn't even see my empty ilizak.exe I told you I made earlier while signed on as Administrator
I was finally able to stop the ghost writing to the HKLM Run key while logged on as Administartor but this Search issue in IE was the last vestige of it I could not fixed. Thanks to you I'm much better now.