Tiny but Powerful

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike Mills
  • Start date Start date
Oops. Pardon my top-posting. I've just been answering e-mail and got all
confused. It must have been all those blows on the head when I was ... wait
what was it?

Meow Mix said:
The offending application is 4t Tray Minimizer, which is distributed in an
amazingly large 700K zip file.

That is huge. Average size I'd seen for these utilities is under ~50k.
(There is even one that is 4k, trayconizer; though maybe it doesn't really
count, since its use means starting programs from its shortcuts.)

I did once visit the 4t Tray Minimizer website, but left early, as I wasn't
in the mood to try to figure out how free their freeware version was, with
all the "buy" links they had everywhere.
The problem, I think, is that it not only minimizes to the tray but also
(1) ads a minimize-to-tray icon to the app window title bar and (2) groups
all instances of a program à la Win XT.

Now, that's a feature that might have really tempted me. I have not seen
anything else that purported to mimic the XP grouping thing for previous
It wreaked particular havoc with the GIMP.

It's good you posted info about 4t Tray. I checked Google ACF right now,
and nobody had offered their experience with this. All that was there was
one random PL nomination. Without comment. It had not even got seconded,
I don't think.) A lot of times, when we are feeling hesitant with whether
a prog is worth hassling with, it's good to have the ACF archives, to
see if there are positive reviews; or, often most valuable, reports of
bad experiences.
Thanks for the link. I've downloaded it and will give it a whirl.

My pleasure. I don't know how it fairs againstt all the competition,
but it suits my basic minimize needs to a tee.