thumb drive problem with Windows 98

  • Thread starter Thread starter dh
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I don't understand anything about it, but the first time there was only
one choice, so that's what I chose and that's what screwed everything
up. When I opened it up again in the hopes of having a solution, there
were 2 choices so I chose the most recent one. I believe that option
must have come into existence because of the action you suggested,
but I don't understand the basics of the whole thing. The other option,
which must be the one I tried out, was dated back in the 1990s I believe.

Hmmm, bit weird that, and doesn't make much sense. A registry backup is
just that and is not reliant on any other registry backup for it to make
an appearance. All registry backups should be completely independent of
all other registry backups in order to guarantee that they can be
restored if needed. Still, at least you managed to recover from
whatever strange behaviour was going on.
It's not there. No "Other Devices", and I can't find Data Traveler
listed under anything else either.

I don't doubt it but that's what I've got, so I'm trying to make it work.

Go to Start -> Run and type "regedit".

Then navigate to ...


Look for a device with a VID (vendor ID) and PID (product ID) that
matches what you found with usbview.exe.

You could also go to Start -> Run and type "msinfo32". This will dump
your system configuration information.

Otherwise I suggest that you repost your question to the
microsoft.public.win98.gen_discussion newsgroup where this problem is
discussed on an almost weekly basis.

- Franc Zabkar
After the specific USB device has been linked to a specific driver,
the O/S will associate that same driver with the device from then on
based on GUID. With the USB thumb drive in place, use the Device
Manger to uninstall the driver, then use the manufacturer's device
driver. Windows 2000 and earlier can have issues as USB was added as
an update to the O/S. With Win98 you'll be lucky to get beyond USB 1.1
which is a *lot* slower than USB 2. Also, be leery of using USB
hubs--they don't always work as they should.
Usbview is telling you that your hardware is OK. It is a diagnostic
utility, not a driver.

The NUSB driver is a universal Win98 driver for all sorts of USB
storage devices. Install it and you should be up and running. You may
need to uninstall your other driver(s) first, though.

- Franc Zabkar

I don't know if I even have a driver. I finally learned to select
a new driver for it, but it couldn't find one in the folder it was
supposed to be in. Here is what's in the folder:


Are any of those things drivers, or do I need to try finding one
someplace else?
Hmmm, bit weird that, and doesn't make much sense.

That's pretty much what life means to me.
A registry backup is
just that and is not reliant on any other registry backup for it to make
an appearance. All registry backups should be completely independent of
all other registry backups in order to guarantee that they can be
restored if needed.

If I remember right there was only one option to begin with, and then
there were two. So when I selected the first one might it have saved the
current settings, thusly creating the second?
Still, at least you managed to recover from
whatever strange behaviour was going on.

I'm very thankful for that.
Usbview is telling you that your hardware is OK. It is a diagnostic
utility, not a driver.

The NUSB driver is a universal Win98 driver for all sorts of USB
storage devices. Install it and you should be up and running. You may
need to uninstall your other driver(s) first, though.

- Franc Zabkar

I finally did all that, and then double clicked the nusb31e.exe icon.
It had me agree, and then it flashed everything by so fast I don't know
where anything was installed. I couldn't find any Read Me or anything
to explain where to find anything that might be of use, so I'm still sol since
I don't know what to specifically look for, or where to look for it.
I don't know if I even have a driver. I finally learned to select
a new driver for it, but it couldn't find one in the folder it was
supposed to be in. Here is what's in the folder:


Are any of those things drivers, or do I need to try finding one
someplace else?

The inf files install the product. You right click on the inf file
and select install. You will be tempted to do this but I strongly
suggest that you do not. Installing the wrong drivers can hose your
system or mess up your registry. At this point you need to focus on
doing a backup. Thumb drives are inexpensive--you may want to try
another brand (that works).
I finally did all that, and then double clicked the nusb31e.exe icon.
It had me agree, and then it flashed everything by so fast I don't know
where anything was installed. I couldn't find any Read Me or anything
to explain where to find anything that might be of use, so I'm still sol since
I don't know what to specifically look for, or where to look for it.

In case anyone is reading this and has the same problem, I finally
got mine working by installing the NUSB package Franc mentioned
by downloading nusb31e.exe (an English version) from:

after uninstalling the driver recommended by the manufacturer which
did not work. The nusb install was so fast I couldn't tell where it put
anything, so I used a video camera to record the download window
as the install flashed by on the computer monitor, and found that the
destination was:


After rebooting I stuck in the thumbdrive, opened My Computer--Control
Panel--System--Device Manager and found the device with the "?",
selected Properties, clicked the Driver tab, pressed Update Driver,
agreed with the wizard, chose Specify a location, Browse, and then
found the CABS folder. That worked for me :-)
The nusb install was so fast I couldn't tell where it put
anything, so I used a video camera to record the download window
as the install flashed by on the computer monitor, and found that the
destination was:


After rebooting I stuck in the thumbdrive, opened My Computer--Control
Panel--System--Device Manager and found the device with the "?",
selected Properties, clicked the Driver tab, pressed Update Driver,
agreed with the wizard, chose Specify a location, Browse, and then
found the CABS folder. That worked for me :-)

On my machine the usbstor.inf file is written to both the OPTIONS\CABS
and INF directories.

If you had opened the nusbxx.exe file with Winzip, you would have seen
the INF files and you could then have searched your HD for them.
Having said that, I'm wondering why Win98 didn't automatically look in
your INF directory.

- Franc Zabkar
It's not there. No "Other Devices", and I can't find Data Traveler
listed under anything else either.

I don't doubt it but that's what I've got, so I'm trying to make it work. Os is win98SE.....n iwas able 2 get my pen drive started due
2 ur guidelines!!!!!!!!! (data traveler 2.0) dti/1gb..........thanx a
ton man Os is win98SE.....n iwas able 2 get my pen drive started due
2 ur guidelines!!!!!!!!! (data traveler 2.0) dti/1gb..........thanx a
ton man

I keep having problems with mine. What kind are you using?
On my machine the usbstor.inf file is written to both the OPTIONS\CABS
and INF directories.

If you had opened the nusbxx.exe file with Winzip, you would have seen
the INF files and you could then have searched your HD for them.
Having said that, I'm wondering why Win98 didn't automatically look in
your INF directory.

- Franc Zabkar

It can't do much of anything right. Every time I install the thumbdrive
I have to go through all the driver loading junk too. And by now it knows
where it is but I still have to accept and agree with everything...
dh@., writes:

It can't do much of anything right. Every time I install the thumbdrive
I have to go through all the driver loading junk too. And by now it knows
where it is but I still have to accept and agree with everything...
You still around David?
I have just obtained the Kingston 4Gb model of the pesky varmint you
have, same problems, exactly.
Thumb Drive (TD)
Kingston DTI/4GB
CN 030407 5v (volt?)
05360-358.A00LF China

Same GUI also, with a maybe small difference that should have no
bearing on what you are experiencing. This 98se GUI is fully patched
with no Active X or MS "fone home" tools on board. The install has
been enhanced with this tool.

I post as I am working on a permanent fix for this Kingston TD so
hopefully the fix can get archived.
I found the thread on Google/Deja, I post from <a.c>.

Two things first.
A lot of your troubles come from not being setup in a manner that
allows you to see what is happening on installs, David... of anything.
Fix that with EasiClean, an old app but very very efficient at doing
registry checks and logs.
If there is a problem getting a version to run on 98se, say so and I
will get a patched copy uploaded.
[XP users could well use the newest version of this app]

Secondly, _any_ user of 98se needs to know how to backup and clean
(manual edit) <user.dat>. Being "in the dark" on this one is simply
going to create more angst than is necessary in using Win9x.* as
a regular platform. I attach (as an addendum] a tutorial written in
2002. I could not find it on Google/Deja despite being certain it was
uploaded at the time.

Back to the problem....
What I have found so far?
Remove USB devices from the target machine..all of them.
Remove "USB Hub & Controller" from Devices in
Control Panel>System>Device Manager

[Note: the "Other Devices" you are looking for is a red
herring by Kingston 'help'. That listing does not show until
one of the drivers they offer is loaded. The /other devices//
you want is in the "add new hardware wizard", as an option.
Always use it when you are installing devices that give you
problems using "conventional methods" - none of that helps
you with this baby<s>]

Allow the system to find and install the "USB Hub & Controller".
Use another USB device you know works, as a /test tool//,
connect it and make sure the system /sees// it.
If you are using a USB cable make sure you have this insitu also.
All working? Great, on with the show.

Disconnect that USB device you just tested.

Ok, now the fun starts<g>

First you have to prepare that TD.
You need.
1. A clean TD. Use FDISK & FORMAT to strip whatever is on the TD to
a FAT32 formatted partition. These tools can be run in a
D0S window on 98se.
[note: For some TDs this step is maybe only necessary when you are not
certain the TD is "good to go". FDISK will soon tell you if the drive
is /good//. You can also use FDISK to partition the drive at a later
date should you so choose]

Next you need the boot information that will make your new TD emulate
a floppy.
1. Win98se "startup Disk" or a method to store all the D0S boot
files that are written to Disc01 of D0S 6,22 + generic
drivers for CD booting (atapi.sys)/mscd001) and mouse driver.
2. WinImage, as a tool to make an image of and to then extract the
boot files from your "startup disk".
[note: There are any number of ways to create a boot image. The
suggestion here is for those familiar with Win32 interfaces only]

Once you have this material & a clean TD you will need these tools to
actually write the drive to the boot partition.
1. A WinXP machine with a working USB hub.
2. This generic boot sector tool for TDs.
[note: this version of this tool has to be run on the XP platform, the
kernel version is not compatible with 98se]
3. This generic USB storage driver.

The process is:
1. Make a new 98se boot floppy. Using WinImage extract the boot files
from the newly minted disk and store them in a folder you can easily
access at root on the XP machine..
c:\USBdrv good.
2. Install the <SP27213.exe> tool to the XP machine.
3. Connect the prepared TD to the XP machine and run the HP boot
sector write tool.
The GUI will ask you to locate the D0S files to load. Point it at the
root folder you made earlier.
The tool will then complete, setting the USB boot sector as "active".
Remove your TD and go boot whatever with it !

When you want to use a 98se machine to write data to the TD you may
need to run the generic USB driver <nusb31e.exe> first. I found that
other TD driver installs covered this , for me..YMMV.

That easy !

In cobbling together this /fix// I discovered a number of "Catch 22's"
and confirmed many I did read of, including David's original dilemma.
To wit: The Kingston driver patches simply do not work. In fact one of
them writes USB information to the IDE entries in the registry causing
98se to think it is another AIDE drive, sicken bizarre!
I list some others here, should any be happy enough to "not bother"
with trying some obvious fixes, or what were obvious fixes, to myself.
-=-FDISK. No doubt there is a boot manager in Tux (Linux) that will
allow FDISK to create more than one Active partition on a Linux
system. D0S FDISK does not. Absolutely refuses to allow more than
one Active on a FAT system.
-=-CD booting (D0S) requires D0S drivers for a USB mount to enable a
USB drive in D0S. D0S drivers for USB TD's are not available.
-=-WIN IMAGE is set by default to only recognise A: and B: drives.
Any boot image created by Win IMAGE cannot be written directly to the
TD in a Win32 environment.
-=-HP boot sector write tool writes the whole of the USB drive as one
partition, removing any previous structure. This could be a good thing
or a bad thing, depending on what you previously had mounted on the

I have bundled some of this information together with drivers used and
uploaded them to:
Search for "Kingston TD-4GBfix"
I do this should the links I use here get munged with page changes.
Support DriverGuide and get a membership. It was free at time of
writing this info up.

At time of writing Kingstons only advice on this issue is:
You void warranty on our product in carrying out technical change.

How to "Pontius Pilate" Windows 9x. Platforms- by warrigal
Why?? because IF U stuff your machine and thereby (for some) your life
its YOUR doing.
Forget the Lame Whine "it didn't work ..baaahhhwwaaaaa".
The method is proven on Windows 95B (all versions) and
I have no doubt it would work (with minor changes) on any WinX system
that uses User.dat type control hierarchy in file/registry tracking.
The method was developed from advice given to clean WinME.

READ carefully and BACKUP before you start the fire!

To create/refresh a new registry:
How to remove unwanted dats from <user.dat>

U need:
3.5" Floppy as a Bootable System disk with all "extras" like
D0S version of those files MUST be of the same genre as the version of
D0S you are booting with!!
Set up 2 folders under ../!reg/

...//Support is simply somewhere to store copies of
just in case your floppy fails during the process (it happens) you
have ready access to these needed files
...//backup is the folder to store your original dat files and to write
your saved file/s to.


After booting from the floppy run smartdrv.exe.
Setup !reg dir if not already done.
Create <nureg.txt> and <oldreg.txt> in ../!reg if not already done.
Remove attributes ASHR from <system.dat> and <user.dat>
Run regedit and export registry to ..//oldreg.txt
regedit /l:d:\windows\system.dat /r:d:\windows\user.dat /e c:\!reg\oldreg.txt

Remember you can get regedit syntax help by typing at a:\
regedit /?

Depending on size of registry the file could take up to 30mins to

When a:\ reappears, reboot and in Windows examine ..//oldreg.txt for
those entries to change/delete.
A text editor is important as <> and NotePad are not enough to
see the whole of the registry file and Windows programs like NotePro
and WordPad introduce WinX syntax into the changes (IF they will look
at them). So use only a bare text editor, EditPad works.

When changes are complete save file as ..//nureg.txt
You should move a backup of <oldreg.txt> to the backup folder *before*


Do not forget to have SmartDrive running to do all procedures in D0S.
Remove attributes ASHR from <system.dat> and <user.dat>
Erase the <system.dat> and <user.dat> files.
Run regedit to import new registry from <nureg.txt> to <system.dat>
and said:
regedit /l:d:\windows\system.dat /r:d:\windows\user.dat /c c:\!reg\oldreg.txt
Depending on size of registry the registry could take up to 30mins to

Remember you can get regedit syntax help by typing at a:\
regedit /?

Reboot Windows and using both Regedit and Wgrep make sure the changes
are effected.

Always keep your original DAT files in ..//!reg/backup/* until the
time when you are sure the rebuild is kosha..usually some months!

Regedit4 has the unique ability to "remove" any unlinked references in
the user.dat file when invoked using the above method. Experience has
shown that this is the ONLY way short of rewriting the drive after a
low level format to remove those indications of data having once been
on your machine. Note particularly the reference to "unlinked". IF the
data is on your drive in some other form other than what you can
recognise (eg. hidden attrib 0r encrypted, changed filename)and thus
still "linked" then this method will NOT remove indication of its
presence to an auditor. Therefore it is important that you have a
comprehensive knowledge of what is on your machine and "how to" find
it. It gets back to good housekeeping.
Registry editing programs tried do not prove sufficient to do
"refresh". This because they insist on making "bakups" or "undos".
This has the effect of not allowing the unwanted data to EVER leave
your machine.
Be aware that Windows (95&98) both show evidence of "creating their
own syntax" . eg If you type in "John Brown" as a UID in a program it
can be seen in the registry as "John" and in a separate entry "Brown".
So when searching for changes remember to use variations of the syntax
in your search.
Lesson = DO NOT use anything other than native WinX RegEdit4 and
always use a regular expression finder to check the syntax is
Experiment shows that entries can be found by GREP that RegEdit4 does
not detect.

I may be slow but in the 6years since I started playing with WinX I
only recently came across this method of "cleaning" and that was for a
Millennium registry!
I have/had asked the question many times in a number of arenas "How do
U clean unwanted dats from <user.dat>" and nary had more than either
'blank stare' 0r absolutely BS responses that even I at my level
figured were uttering's of 'wannabe's'.
I tried variations of what I 'found' on both 95B and 98SE/lite and
easily developed the method above as a proven "goer".
When the tools are right and its practised a few times it really is a
peice0piss to do.
Not scary at all..have fun :)
