Jon Skeet [C# MVP]
William Stacey said:Not that I can see.
Making things which are logically method parameters *have* to be the
start of a type leads to designs being bent out of shape, IMO. Imagine
if you had to do that for *every* method call?
Never said it was. I agreed it would be good to have.
Same reason it works in the thread pool. BeginInvoke uses a thread pool
thread to run the delegate IIRC. However the thread was created
already so it can call any delegate with args as normal.
I don't see how that's relevant at all, to be honest. There's no
*technical* reason why it shouldn't take an object, as far as I can
I don't see it more convenient then your anonymous example. You then need
to create another delegate.
No, there'd be no need to create another delegate, unless you want it
strongly typed, of course.
The problem with the anonymous example is that it doesn't work with C#
today, and the code is less clear than it would be if we could just say
new Thread (new ThreadStart(SomeMethod)).Start(someParameter);