Chris said:
I have received over 135 bogus emails and virus
threats today. I started Outlook about fifteen
minutes ago and it is still pulling in mail (present
count is 52 and still going) on this bogus
Microsoft thing.
Note first that Microsoft does not send out these types of messages unless
you very specifically request it. Instead, the vast majority of these
messages are attempts to install virus-type programs on your computer.
Therefore, your best bet is to delete these messages without delay (don't
open them or attempt to install them).
If you want to prevent these messages from downloading (large messages
take time to download), set Outlook to not download messages over a certain
size. Somewhere around 25K is a good size, since this will allow most
messages without attachments to download, but will stop most messages with
attachments. At this point, Outlook will download the message header without
the rest of the message, allowing you to see who the message is from. If you
don't want the message, simply delete it (highlight and hit X button). For
messages you want to download, right-click and select download from server.
When you're finished, hit the "send/receive" button again and Outlook will
delete the messages you don't want off the server and fully download the
messages you want. Read help menu about setting maximum download size (it's
an account option, not a filter).
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)