The next person to post asking whether their Windows version is 32 or
64-bit will be plonked. Anyone too lazy - or stupid - to scroll back
through a couple of hours of posts doesn't deserve a reply. Yes, I
said a couple of hours. I did some quick maths and this question is
asked - on average - TWELVE times a day. There may be those with more
patience than I, but I know that I certainly don't want to be bothered
answering the same question ad infinitum, especially when the poster
could have found the answer on their own had they been bothered.
I have a link in my signature that tells you all about asking Smart
Questions. Here is an excerpt: -
Before You Ask
Before asking a technical question by email, or in a newsgroup, or on
a website chat board, do the following:
1.. Try to find an answer by searching the Web
2.. Try to find an answer by reading the manual.
3.. Try to find an answer by reading a FAQ.
4.. Try to find an answer by inspection or experimentation.
5.. Try to find an answer by asking a skilled friend.
People asking said question haven't bothered to do any of the above.
These groups are NOT here to do your research for you - they are a
same questions ad nauseam, you demonstrate that you're too lazy to
assist yourself and want things done the easy way. Sorry, but it
doesn't work like that.
Please follow the above steps first - if you *STILL* can't find an
answer, *THEN* post.
I will end by quoting the first paragraph from the guide