This could indicate a lack of memory on your system - any answers?

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That's not the complete error message.
Right-click on your error message, copy, then paste it into a reply here.
We can't do much troubleshooting without the complete error message.
That's not the complete error message. Expand the error message, then
right-click on your error message, copy, then paste it into a reply here.
We can't do much troubleshooting without the complete error message.
I have the same probelm, but the rest of the message reads:

This could, for example, indicate a lack of memory on your system.

Username: (e-mail address removed)
Protocol: IMAP
Port: 143
Secure (SSL): 0
Code: 800ccc0e
My server AKA email acct is through Google. This error msg occured while I
was trying to download my folders.
Is the error message a verbatim copy? If so, you have the wrong
outgoing server name. should be

Also, that is the name of the *outgoing* server. The error indicates
a problem with receiving, not sending. The *incoming* server should
I have about nine messages in my send mail and it won't let me send in goes
to a place that says error could not find server or something about POP3...I
am so confused... please go into my account and fix the problem or call me at
515 7208440.. I am not good at fixing things when someone writes me with
instructions or the system tells me how to fix...It does make sense to me.
HELP Thanks my password is pz1013816. Alyson
We have no way of going into your account and we don't make house calls.

Please post the error message in its entirety. You can left click on it to
highlight and then right click to copy and then paste it into this thread.
Please do not post personal data in PUBLIC places, including this newsgroup
/ forum. Not so nice people hang out in these places and harvest such info
for unscrupulous activities.

Can you copy and paste the error message into a message so we can analyze it
please? What is the part of your email address AFTER the @ symbol - only
the part after?
That's not the complete error message. Expand the IMAP error message,
then copy & paste it into a reply here.
That's not the complete error message. Expand the IMAP error message,
then copy & paste it into a reply here.
Windows mail and outlook express both stopped working

My internet provider is comcast.
I have four emails set-up on windows mail. Three Godaddy emails, and Gmail. They are all IMAP for godaddy. It has always worked until the last couple of days. Occasionally, it will still work, but it is rare. I have Kaspersky for Anti-Virus, but I have always had them with zero problems in the past.

your imap command could not be sent to the server, due to non network errors....
Not sure what you need, but here's how to setup an account in WM . . . . . Settings:

Server names and ports:
POP3 = Port = 995
SMTP = Port = 587

Checkboxes you need to check include:

Server Tab: "My server requires authentication" (Click "Settings" button
also and fill in "Log on Using" email address - *** but do NOT check the
checkboxes there . . . .)

Advanced Tab: BOTH outgoing and incoming - "This server requires a secure
connection (SSL)"

General Tab (if desired but generally recommended): "Include this account
when receiving mail or synchronizing"

Should work - if you get errors post the entire error message (cut-n-paste)
for further assistance.