Cor Ligthert
Hi Mad,
That was this part
The OleDB needs some litle changes. the Select string becomes for OleDB
(access) something as.
"SELECT * FROM Mytable WHERE Fax = ?"
Should be your table of course and the right name for the faxId field in
your accessfile.
And than this right before the fill
Also with the right name (this is case sensetive) for the faxId.
odaFaxMeterReadings.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("Fax",
OleDbType.Char)).Value = FaxId
Than it should give only the one fax you selected,
That was this part
The OleDB needs some litle changes. the Select string becomes for OleDB
(access) something as.
"SELECT * FROM Mytable WHERE Fax = ?"
Should be your table of course and the right name for the faxId field in
your accessfile.
And than this right before the fill
Also with the right name (this is case sensetive) for the faxId.
odaFaxMeterReadings.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(New OleDbParameter("Fax",
OleDbType.Char)).Value = FaxId
Than it should give only the one fax you selected,