THINK Finished Problem


Case closed, i've been corrected by Mucks :o

And i'm seeing this on Find-A-Drug Statistics, on the main FaD Website, check it out ;)
ChrisIMRIE;1. If you're getting that, it's almost always caused by a
nickame or email address entered wrong on one machine.

You won't see that in stats because they have coded the stats to pick up and merge all the strays.
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Looking in the stats at Fad itself, yes, you have a stray.

I also found this posted in the fad forum. Maybe it has something to do with your problem?
From the FAQ/intro post:

Under heavy computing workloads, hyper-threading technology, which allows a single processor to appear as two processors, may cause poor server performance. Because workload is dynamic and can vary quickly, we recommended disabling hyper-threading on the physical server to prevent this potential problem.

As I understand it, fooling Windows into thinking it has two processors when it still really only has one floating point processor isn't good for lots of heavy calculations at once.
I also found this-

06:08 05-Oct-05 1ev2-q2 m26738 ChrisIMRIE;1 7025559 0 0 0000 0:00 11 Error missing footer

I'd check this machine- 7025559
ChrisIMRIE said:

Case closed, i've been corrected by Mucks :o

And i'm seeing this on Find-A-Drug Statistics, on the main FaD Website, check it out ;)
I had my "bad head" on this morning ... only just getting rid of the headache ... the nurse says I'm not drinking enough water. :rolleyes: 25 cups of coffee a day is considered excessive. Huh! isn't it 99.9% water?

So what was the 'cure' ... bad filename or HT not working right. :p

ah, found it ...

Under heavy computing workloads, hyper-threading technology, which allows a single processor to appear as two processors, may cause poor server performance. Because workload is dynamic and can vary quickly, we recommended disabling hyper-threading on the physical server to prevent this potential problem.

As I understand it, fooling Windows into thinking it has two processors when it still really only has one floating point processor isn't good for lots of heavy calculations at once."

Nice one again Intel ... cheating people :rolleyes:
christopherpostill said:
So whats better for games then - HT on or HT off :confused:
To be honest Chris I haven't bought an Intel since 1991 ... simple answer would be to ... try with ... and without ... if you 'see' a difference let us know.

Oh, and it may be different from game to game.

It was a good idea from Intel, but I really haven't seen anybody that has well pleased. Dell ship their PCs with HT turned off. LoL

AMD's dual core CPUs aren't cheap, yet, so people are buying the Intel "version" but it is badly implimented. And you still can't beat a proper twin CPU configuration. ;)
Yeha there is a difference with HT turned off.

But i've just realised my CPU Score is pathetic.

120~ HT Enabled

150~ HT Disabled

It's 3.3GHz.

And many PC's are actually beating me, while im typing this post there are like 23Processes running, of which no more are able to close as their protected. So why the low score.

I'm thinking about selling this MoBo & CPU on here and getting myself a cheap AMD Athlon XP 3200+ and a Abit NF7 or similar.

Sorry guys, I can't help but laugh, I been playing the same song over and over, not many people listen.

"It's a 3.3Ghz" ? What is that? Not trying to be funny, but work it out ... is it a 533Mhz ? ... quad pump? ... you mean its a 133cpu??


Oh, and AMD make it a little easier to work the numbers game out. ;)

Not trying to start a war here ... but I couldn't care sqadly about any benchmark rubbish ... If it does what I need it to do, at an acceptable speed for me, and can work for 3years, AND at a good price. I'm happy. ;)

... and I get another year out of my system with Linux. :D
It's alright for some, i cant live with just Linux.

It's impossible to do web autoring and design on Linux.

Unless i want the ending result to be shabby ;)

And its a 3GHz 800FSB if your interested mucks, it's overclocked :)

And yes disabling HT makes things more responsive, we'll it was that way earlier :)

The front side bus is multiplied by 4...

The FSB of your processor is really 200MHz (hence why you use 400MHz RAM as your memory frequency is double that of the FSB)