THINK Finished Problem

Oct 10, 2004
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I'm starting to have a problem on my windows machine where THINK just sits there and says Finished in the Stats instead of uploading the Job, however much i try, it will NOT upload to their servers using the highlight job and send button.

Any ideas what's going on, or should i just smack the pc with a sledge-hammer?

I'm also "aways on", so I use "selecting all jobs". That sends and receives when each one finishes.
Attached is a screenshot of the 'Queue' window, i changed the setting to 'Selecting All Jobs' and exited and re-opened and it never done anything, about 3 in 5 jobs have done this and i've had to scrap them.


  • screenshot.webp
    35.5 KB · Views: 188
I would close both THINK and Server and restart THINK with the new settings.
Have you tried that? :confused:
Yep, i've done it many times, still not fixed, i don't bother searching the FaD forums now, its too cluttered with useless information.
You're running FaD over a network server?

You might ask at the Fad forum then. I don't run mine that way.
I run the same as everyone else :|

Installed and run, nothing networked, it's individually loaded on each computer.
It's showing 2 pc's on there, right?
I'll go grab a screenshot of mine. It doesn't look like yours.
Mine is running two instances, thus the different looking PC's on the list.

It's because i have HT so it automatically runs 2 instances.
I turned off HT on my Prescott. It just bogged down the system.

You might check this thread and see if it helps.
Does turning off HT really make any difference, if it improves the system performance then i may be interested, but ive never heard of it bogging down a system.

Anyway i'll bid you all a fairwell, i'm off to sleep, getting picked up by Postill in about 7hours :p College YAY :)

I'm currently downloading CentOS 4.1 & SuSe 10 iso's and i'll give them a go on a MSVPC tomorrow and if i like i'll dual boot the system and install one of them.

Cheers for the help ladypcer :)
I can only tell you that on my HT system with HT on, it had serious lags in mouse functions and opening webpages or programs.

Turning it off, got rid of the problems.
Does the machine still run as fast however?

I've heard turning HT off cripples your computer speed.
Now would be the time to say, err i didn't do it.

FaD is deliberately annoying me now, it's breaking my Stats and calling me, ChrisIMRIE & ChrisIMRIE;1

So now not all my crunching is going onto the one username, thus why it's all slowing down for my main username.

How should i fix this? I'm guessing ladypcer will be first on this topic ;)
Not sure chris, but I guess you have the same username and e-mail in both?

Almost 100,000 new points last night!
ChrisIMRIE said:
Now would be the time to say, err i didn't do it.

FaD is deliberately annoying me now, it's breaking my Stats and calling me, ChrisIMRIE & ChrisIMRIE;1

So now not all my crunching is going onto the one username, thus why it's all slowing down for my main username.

How should i fix this? I'm guessing ladypcer will be first on this topic ;)
I can find NO ChrisIMRIE;1 ... anywhere on FaD ... where are you seeing this? in your FaD folder?

You only have to delete 1 file from the FAD folder and it will be called something like name.tlg;1. All you want to keep is the name.tlg file.

But you have to close down the entire program by choosing exit when you right click the tray icon. Once you have deleted the tlg;1 from your FAD folder simply restart the sever and remove the job associated with the name.tlg;1. That leaves only one job remaining. Now you can start THINK and everything should be back to normal.

Be sure to go to Setup > Options tab and set "1" as the Number of copies of Think. That will prevent think.exe from running more than one copy on your single processsor. Try it, I bet you churn out more

"I've heard turning HT off cripples your computer speed"
Yeah, right, you "heard", try reading ...
"I disabled hyperthreading on my two 2.4 LV Xeons and lo and behold - the system is SOO much more responsive. I can be rendering and actually fire up photoshop and work away on an image at the same time". .... "I have had HT turned off since this afternoon. Havnt done any heavy duty work yet but the system does actually feel a bit snappier" ... "In the end, Intel admits that in some cases the performance can fall with the Hyper-Threading enabled, for example, in case of empty wait cycles. We just can assume that this is the very reason (the detailed examination of the SolidEdge and SolidWorks code is not the aim of this article). You all know how conservative the developers of CAD applications are; they prefer realiability and do not hurry to rewrite codes with innovations in programming." ...
I can go on but I don't want you to think I'm rubbing your nose in it ... Dont be fooled by the clueless HT marketing gimmick (it has its pros and cons), go for a 'real' dual based system. ;)

To quote myself ... numbers numbers numbers, it's a game.