HP Pavilion quad core. My old dual core Vista laptop wasn't much
slower, it processed in 15 min per 50GB. My HP does it in about 12
Ahh.. Well, this machine is a dual p3/800mhz coppermine pair SMP mode.

she doesn't do 50gigs of anything in 15minutes. lol
I just use the Linux boot CD.
It's limited. Can't adjust partition sizes, as macrium says in the
There you go again. My testing is fine. Trying to use an old laptop
in today's environment is a pain for anyone. Surely you know this.
Uhh, I didn't try this with a laptop, I tried it on my tower I'm using
right now. Yes, it's old as hell, but still..
I don't have a problem with your reverse engineering. I have a
problem with you professing for everyone to do so. They won't.
I don't. I just think (rightly or wrongly so) that people should take a
slightly greater interest in that lightbox in front of them.
There you go again, lying to try and find high ground where there is
none for you. I profess that truly sensitive data shouldn't be on a
PC connected to the net...not all data as you state which is your
lie...pretty much 101 stuff there.
I didn't lie about anything. Where should truely sensitive data be then
for safe keeping in a digital world?
Funny story. I know of a local bank thats entirely windows PC powered.
It has alot of sensitive data on systems. They don't secure wipe them
every night.
LOL. I have enough experience and spent enough time (more than most)
developing my knowledge to enable the development of processes that
elude the issues. That is what people want...
No.. I disagree with your statements on the experience and enough time.
Yes, you do talk shit, but no you don't have the experience. That's why
you talk shit so often.
You don't have any clue as to what my usefulness is and you are
simply trying to keep the converstation down in the mud in a feeble
attempt to exert your perceived self-importance. I care nothing about
Wrong again. I have no desire nor ill will towards you. You're one of
many people I converse with in a day. I just don't agree with much of
what you write and I respond as such. Nothing to do with self
importance. Bad advice is bad advice, no matter who provides it.
You're bad about providing unsound bad advice.
There you go again...you can't get off the word expert and try to
belittle everyone as much as you can. I thus doubt your own
expertise, as true professionals don't feel the need to try to demand
I don't demand respect. I really don't care if you or anyone else
respects me or not. It's not a popularity contest. Never has been for
me. I made no effort to belittle anyone in my quoted comment; What I
said is true. Disassembly and decompile are two different animals. An
"expert" who doesn't know this is NOT an expert.
Another feeble attempt by you. You really must be a sad little
person. Considering you are still digging around trying to clean
malware just tells me you are the one behind the times.
By your stupid statement, so is
emisoft,malwarebytes,sas,norton,mcafee,avast,avira *insert more*.
When I think of n idiot savant, I have a mental picture of a big dumb
clumsy blackbear.