I've put around 4 hours into Killzone so far and am loving it. Its got the usual characteristic sluggish controls like all other Killzone games but I'm so used to it from Killzone 2 that it doesn't hold the game back for me.
The graphics of Killzone are phenomenal, my PC couldn't churn out textures and details that nice, no way! It doesn't drop frames per second like I'm used to with PC games either.
I signed up to PS Plus for 1 year which costs £40. It sounds expensive but last year I think you got £300+ worth of free content on your PS3 through PS Plus which was mainly games. When I signed up to PS Plus I got Resogun and Contrast free which are 2 full games. I'm pretty sure PS Plus is basically a must have like Xbox live member ship to be able to play online.
I've played Resogun for around 30 minutes and its brilliant pick up and play fun. Its just like Stardust from the PS3 but instead of sphere shaped levels there just cylindrical. The graphics are also brill on that, but not ground breaking like Killzone.
The console itself is dead silent, I've read people saying its loud but when I'm on my sofa and the consoles at the TV I cant hear the console at all over the TV and I was playing at 11pm with volume low to not wake up Theodore.
The dashboard of the PS4 is so fast and fluid, navigating through menus and apps is strange as its literally instant, I'm not used to that! Also while playing a game if you tap the PS button on the controller it takes you straight to the dashboard instantly and I mean instantly. You can't change the background or theme though which is annoying as its just a boring blue.
People say it was a weak launch lineup but there was plenty of top notch games on the day. Killzone, Assasins Creed 4, Fifa 14, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Resogun and maybe Knack. I say maybe for Knack as it looks good from videos but got poor reviews and I'm yet to stick it in the PS4 due to Killzone!
What is strange at the moment is that out of all the next gen consoles the Wii U has the strongest game lineup by miles. I know its been out a lot longer but the PS4 and Xbone have both been in development for along time too! Its horrible not buy Super Mario 3D world for my Wii U as I havent got time to play Wii U and PS4
. Super Mario 3D world has got crazy good reviews 10/10's on most review sites.