The Pros & Cons of a floppy drive

theres about 10 pages in this book i have dedicated too the floppy disk. but, i cant see any reason why anyone would need them. it compaires floppy drives and disks, too a hard-drive.

my SATA drivers are not installed, because i had too do that before installing windows. i need a floppy drive too do that. there easy too use, they can store alot of text, so work wise if only using word or somthing there handy! can post them easily enough, and back-up wise there kinda importent. cheap as well!

but, there easily damaged, dated, snap easily, and are no-where near as fast as a HDD. and compaired too a HDD, there naff.

trust me, im a techy trainee.
Talking of floppy drives, is this perverse or what?

This is my 'messing about' machine with three hard disk caddies where I mess about with old games on Win98 and different Linux Distros.

Is it actually up the right way? That's the way the labels were and the only way the mounting bolts would fit but it don't look right to me. However, it works. Found it down my lockup the other day.

What are we talking about? Have a look:


  • floppy01.webp
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Reefsmoka said:
Edit: This thread was split from another as it rather veered off the subject of a forum member asking for advice on the purchase of a new PC, so it may appear a little disjointed. We start with christopherpostill pointing out to reefsmoka that he'd omitted a floppy drive in a system he proposed:


Who uses floppys anymore? I havent put floppy drive on the last 3 computers I built. The computer im on hasnt got a floppy, the computer my friend on which i help build has no floppy, neither does my sisters :/. CD-Rs are so cheap nowadays £18 for 100 ;).
Ya, who uses them? I had my PC for a year before I discovered mine was busted. It just never came up.
Sorry people, this is WAY off topic, it just has to be said, christopherpostill looks a lot like this guy
, if you do not know, this guy is the older brother from malcolm in the middle!
I swear christopherpostill is identical... LOL, ITS AN EXACT MATCH!
I need to find out whether that is a compliment or an insult from my girlfriends before i make judgement on that comment.
DUDE!, its a plus, go around saying ur a tv star.... lol... or if not, go work in pontins or buttlins as a look a like
hehe :thumb:
DUDE!, its a plus, go around saying ur a tv star

And people would go around saying i'm self obsessed!!

Trust me i look nothing like him.

If i do look like anyone, its gareth from the office when im in my suit with my hair in curtains (ive done the hair once. at a party. dont alugh)
hmmm, gareth? he's lanky and super thin, and he look dopey, well it must be the colour of the photo or something.... or the angle i dno... hey could you take a look at my other thread :)
Oi! You two! Shut up!

I don't wanna split this thread again:mad:

Now then, Chris, go look at his prob post and offer soothing words of wisdom ;)

You're good at that.

And this thread shall remain dedicated to all things floppy.

Make of that what you will....
I had one of those mitsumi 7in1 media card and floppy drives arrive today. I thought it best to put a floppy drive back in my computer solely for installing sata raid drives should i ever need to install windows again. Only thing ironically is the floppy drive part is knackered so it'll have to go back. Now that i'm using sata cables the floppy cable is now the biggest in the case and the most annoying it has to be said and i'm using a rounded cable as well.