The PCReview 'Show Us Your Desktop Background' Thread

Ye sometimes, mostly use or edited existing code tbh. :)
V_R said:
Ye sometimes, mostly use or edited existing code tbh. :)

That's what I was thinking of doing. Find something decent, then just play around with the code to suite my needs or likes. LOL let somebody else do all the hard work of writing the code first...

Not fab by any means as I need to clear up the icons on the left. This is running on me Mandy pc.


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My three are just the same as they've been for the last several years.

I just realised I have the last four major Microsft OS's on my 4 machines - Win 98; XP Pro; Vista and Win 7.

Oh, and the Win 98 machine has the American McGhee's Alice game picture as a desktop.

Plus two of those machines have swappable caddies with Linux Distros on- that's too many desktops amigos :D
floppybootstomp said:
My three are just the same as they've been for the last several years.

I just realised I have the last four major Microsft OS's on my 4 machines - Win 98; XP Pro; Vista and Win 7.

Oh, and the Win 98 machine has the American McGhee's Alice game picture as a desktop.

Plus two of those machines have swappable caddies with Linux Distros on- that's too many desktops amigos :D

I'm tempted to say that you are playing with a full deck of cards there flops
but maybe I'll just think it intsead
captain zed said:
Hi Folks....cos some of ye are messing about with code i thought i' d throw this your way....its a FF add on

"With Firebug, you can quickly examine, check and even edit code from the web page."

I think a fare few would have it already C'Zed. The coding that is been spoken abouut in this thread is slightly different in a way to using Firebug for editing a site, although with firebug you would also be editing CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets ) HAve you ever been on Myspace ? THere they allow you to use CSS to manipulate the Myspace profile to the way you want it.. NOw the coding that me and V_R were mentioning is also CSS and does the same thing. It allows us to manipulate Fire Fox the way we want it. THe joys of Open Source...
Madxgraphics said:
I think a fare few would have it already C'Zed. The coding that is been spoken abouut in this thread is slightly different in a way to using Firebug for editing a site, although with firebug you would also be editing CSS ( Cascading Style Sheets ) HAve you ever been on Myspace ? THere they allow you to use CSS to manipulate the Myspace profile to the way you want it.. NOw the coding that me and V_R were mentioning is also CSS and does the same thing. It allows us to manipulate Fire Fox the way we want it. THe joys of Open Source...

Cool....i was just watching out for ya's lol.


Me Mandy latest. Showing Daisy toolbar and bubble for CPU and Ram usage in top pick. Monkey pic in frame changes for random pic from folder.
Shame this Mandy has to die as I was enjoying playing with it and all of its free cool features.


Did you spot me pet cat. :D

Also missing a clock which I usually have around. Been trying out some as there are plenty of choices and must have forgot to put one back on the desktop. Still me screensaver is a giant analogue clock so if I nod of I always know the time when I wake up.

Been trying out the many weather plasmoids and left two on the desk as I'm worried about flooding


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Some interesting stuff in this thread :)

I haven't changed my desktops in a long time, once I like something I tend to keep it. All of mine have been published on this forum previously but here's all four Windows desktops gathered together in one place:

Main computer (one listed in sig) Shinybeast, Windows 7 Home Premium:


Secondary computer, Andromeda, Windows XP Premium:


Media machine, Win Vista Home Premium:


Atares, messing about machine, showing Win 98:



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New wall, windows theme and Start Orb! :)

Very nice..I added the themes and pathc you linked to, got thems goingbut can't get the icons working..Need to uninstall it and try again I think..
I aint bothered with custom icons yet, maybe anther day i honestly cba atm. lol
V_R said:
I aint bothered with custom icons yet, maybe anther day i honestly cba atm. lol

I'm in that frame of mind to. Just tried it to see, i'm doing an hard drive upgrade next week so a fresh install is going to happen anyway. If I can decide on what drives to get...