The Official, all new, Ugly-Mush Ball



  • me.webp
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Thoroughly agree with you, I can understand and even partly embrace most forms of politics but an enforced way of living with no room for bettering oneself or lifestyle leaves me cold.

I made the comment as a quip young man cos when I was a yoof and sported locks around the same length yours is now, old geezers referred to me/us as 'long haired layabouts and communists', it being an insult to my appearance you see. Another common put down was 'drug smoking hippy'.

So, you no please take my inference as for real, eet was, how you say? A little funnee :)

As a footnote, in his youth my father briefly flirted with Communism and joined the Merseyside Communist Party. Now perhaps you can see what a troubled upbringing I had ;)

No fences taken. I knew you were making a funny. :D

It is just that good old Uncle Joe caused me and me family a great deal of harm. :cool:
Don't worry Floppy my parents were Conservatives, Granddad was a Conservative Councilor, I was sent to a private boarding school and look how I turned out. An ex Torey voter until I came out of the forces and joined the real world , joined the Liberals and was a local Parish councilor till found out that were just a lesser evil than the Tories, became a union steward in Fire Brigades Union and became a card carrying Labour Party member and was a officer in UNISON Kent Local Government Branch. I suppose your view of politics depends on one life experience. One can be a communist as a young person and in the end turn out to be a Torey suporter because of lifes experience.
Any way all Politicians all talk with forked tongues what ever party they belong to and never answer a straight question with a straight answer.:mad: