Jon Skeet [C# MVP]
William Stacey said:| Hmm. That sounds like it's a broken implementation then. Basically, if
| the .NET CLR executes code in a way which violates the spec, the
| implementation is flawed. If the processor could reorder things, the
| CLR should make sure that that is invisible to the user, beyond what is
| possible within the CLI spec.
| I'd be interested to hear Joe Duffy's opinion on that part of the
| article.
I would like to see Joe comment on that as well. If that article is
correct, it sounds like "volatile" may not work as people expect it to be
Well, not just how people expect it to work, but how it's *specified*
to work.
I've now seen your post about it basically being a potential bug in the
..NET 1.1 CLR.
| No - because only the thread which *calls* the Interlocked method knows
| that interlocked is involved, whereas with volatile both the reading
| thread *and* the writing thread know to use memory barriers. Of course,
| if you use Interlocked in both threads, to both read *and* write the
| value, then everything will be okay.
The reader does not need to know as it gets the read fence automatically (at
the hardware layer) because the Interlocked buts up a *full memory barrier
fence so reads can not be reordered at the instruction level.
But the read could *already* have been reordered by the JIT, ages
before this occurs. How could the JIT know whether a variable would
*ever* be used with Interlocked, and avoid reordering?
vista has
some other versions with seperate read aquire/write aquire methods, but the
ones in the framework use the full fence. I am not sure how volatile is
implemented under the covers, but it would not suprise me if it also uses an
interlocked operation.
But there's more to it than that - there's the restriction on JIT
reordering, and *that* can't be known about ahead of time.
| If we care about atomicity, there needs to be some kind of locking.
| If we only care that the change to y is seen after the change to x
| (i.e. you can't see x=0, y=1) then volatile will do the job but I don't
| believe that changing the variable with Interlocked and then reading it
| directly in another thread is guaranteed to work.
hmm. We have seem to cover the same ground. Everything I have seen (more
then that link) says it does. I would be interested if you find something
to contrary as that would be good info. Also, most (if not all) locks are
based on Interlocked in their guts, so if it does not work, then everything
in the history of the world is broke. Ok, that is bit drastic... tia
I'm not saying that Interlocked doesn't work. I'm saying that it only
works if you use it consistently across all threads.
I'll try to get round to mailing Joe about it...