Okay, So I have no anti-virus running. I have re set up the account then
deleted the old. Turned off secure auth mode, then got a new error..."Auth
mode not enabled"... go back in and enable auth mode. Now I get the memory
thing. 2gGhz processor, 1Gb RAM, 80G hard drive, brand new.. and watching
the vista widget, I am no where near pushing my memory.
I do know my company uses MD5 chalenge and response, but I get no option for
that in windows mail.
Please help =)
deleted the old. Turned off secure auth mode, then got a new error..."Auth
mode not enabled"... go back in and enable auth mode. Now I get the memory
thing. 2gGhz processor, 1Gb RAM, 80G hard drive, brand new.. and watching
the vista widget, I am no where near pushing my memory.
I do know my company uses MD5 chalenge and response, but I get no option for
that in windows mail.
Please help =)