The best keyboard ever!!!

you can program it to your specs... i assume the keys are activated when the program is activated, they say there going to give software for customising the buttons ( witch is as expected ) you can assign x-ammounts of commands to the keys....i hope the limitations of the software dont pull down the greatness of this idea.

( i want to be able to assign keys to all my games from cs to wow and have them all saved... hopfully self activating, but i noticed the extra side pannel - possibly having to activate the differnt key faces through that. but it should store multiple interfaces.) o0 cant wait, getting all exited like a little school kid.
how do you know all this... the MAIN thing i want to know is when is it coming out :D
i've heard that the software will be open source so there should be some great setups for different games and Apps
got all the info from the links in this forum, i then just search the sites franticly for the info lol, but i do expect this keyboard to be a big hit among modders of both pc cases and software alike... even on sites like people do skins for winamp and ect, so there should be a community that will produce some good stuff... i am really looking forward to this keyboard.

i am also wondering if there will be motion on the keys, that would be cool to see little key animations lol.
Thats a very good point Kebra, I don't see any reason why there couldn't be animations on the keys - that would be really cool.

Even better if you could make an array from the keyboard and link the mini-lcd keys together to make a larger image/movie! Geeky, useless and complicated - but thats the fun :)
Ian Cunningham said:
Thats a very good point Kebra, I don't see any reason why there couldn't be animations on the keys - that would be really cool.

Even better if you could make an array from the keyboard and link the mini-lcd keys together to make a larger image/movie! Geeky, useless and complicated - but thats the fun :)

yeppers thats what i ment ( the larger image ) that would be cool lol.

other concerns though :-

gamers :- how long would somthing like this key board last?! i play pc games for many many hours perday, how long would the main keys last ie button bashing the wasd keys or typing in general?! breaking a key? easy replacement?
While it's not quite my thing, I can see some funky media playing software Visualisations being created for this if it ever gets that far. :)