The Battlefield 1 Thread (World War One Themed)

Did you get an e-mail or Origin notification about being accepted? I applied for a beta when you posted about it, but I've had nothing come through and Origin doesn't show anything. :eek:
Yup, it even says "Platform preference has been saved" when I visit that link. Perhaps it's just taking some time to rollout :).
Quite possibly, Here's hoping you get one soon. :)

Its not just you, I've seen some people on Reddit for example losing their minds because they haven't got a key yet either. You're taking it well in comparison. :lol:
How is the beta? :D

No code for me yet, so it's not looking hopeful!
Did you register before the 21st? Tbh its only a day early anyway, so your not exactly missing a lot! Think its open to everyone today.

Its good, feels a bit dumbed down, kinda like SWBF. not the same gun mechanics as BF4 or 3 which is a shame, but they still might change it.
The map is ok, not as good as the one in the closed alpha, that was a great map! This one is basically a desert.

Check out these vids for a bit of a starting guide. :)

Feel free to add me on Origin - MessiahComp1ex :)
Yeah, I registered ages ago! I wonder if I've ticked something to not receive marketing e-mails and that's voided my application!

If it's open to all today anyway, then that's great - I didn't realise it was only opening things up a day early. I'll get downloading as soon as it's open :D.
Tbh I've seen a lot of complaints of people not getting a code, and people getting a code from the wrong platform too!

Good old EA right?! :lol:
Forgot to say...

It runs pretty well too, and obviously looks and sounds stunning.

Watch the 'Resolution Scale' slider (supersampling), default is randomly 42%. If you change it the only way to reset it back is too hit the reset graphics options button as its bugged at the mo.
Thanks for the tips :). The open beta is now open, so I'm downloading it right now!

I'm actually enjoying this a lot! Yes there are balance issues and bugs - its a beta. But its good fun. Managed to hit rank 40 yesterday!
I managed time for a very quick game, so I need to put some time in :). The graphics seem pretty damn amazing - I'm pretty sure I'll be buying this once it's out.
This looks like it's going to be one hell of a game :). Less than a month till the release date now!
Yeah it looks OK, I don't honestly care much for the SP side of it, but This does look better than previous BF games.
Montage of all the SP trailers/footage. Looks great tbh!

Looks fantastic... as a film.

I wonder what the gameplay's like?

I'd primarily be interested mostly in single player but I do realise the Battlefield series for the last three or four have been designed mostly with multiplayer in mind.

I'll await the reviews of the single player campaign before departing with a considerable sum of money for this game.

Or wait a couple of years and get it in an Origin sale ;)

I'm not down on the game, just wary, and besides, I have quite enough atm to keep me busy when it comes to gaming.