The alt.comp.freeware F.A.Q. is here.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
  • Start date Start date
My initial objections were to the use of that FAQ as a weapon: the very
condescending "you are a newbie, we know more than you, I am in charge,
this is how this group is expected to behave, here is the uniform you are
expected to wear and this is the salute you should use when pressing the
post key" (OK, I made that last bit up). The posts (and answers to posts)
using the FAQ *were* important, *did* give information, but were also to
establish pissing rights or pecking order or whatever is the fashionable

Looks like an accurate description of Corliss (the moderator
wanna-be) And The Control Freaks right here on a.c.f.
-½cut said:
condescending "you are a newbie, we know more than you, I am in charge,
this is how this group is expected to behave, here is the uniform you are

The condescending style of some people, like Boomers way of saying
things like:

The preferred way to post in this newsgroup is bottom posting,

Thank you.

That "Thank you" at the end sounds so.. what shall I call it,
...condescending, she sounds so satisfied with herself, like she really
likes to put somebody down, selfsatisfied may be the word...

Self-righteousness is what I am looking for, the tendency of being so
filled up with "the good cause" that you can use any style of treating
people because you are so sure that YOU are right and he is wrong.
And that justifies treating him as a little child who has behaved

Then we have mr Corliss who jumps in anywhere when he feels like
letting off some steam, no matter what the context is. To him it
doesn't matter if a payware program is mentioned in a discussion about
the qualities of different programs for a certain purpose, freeware
alternatives contra payware alternatives, or if a payware program is
advertised right out of the blue by a real spammer, if he has the
brain overheat problem at that moment he jumps on it.

He is also annoying in his way of using too strong weapons, like
reporting people to every authority he can think of if his brain
overheat is especially strong at that moment.

He just cannot understand that his view of the world is not the only
possible one, so he reacts on his emotions like they were the reality.
To him they ARE the reality. He has never learned to see things from
more than one perspective or look at his own behavior from an outside
perspective. Filled up of himself and his self-righteousness.
Never learned to think with rational judgement instead of emotional

Then we have the band of followers who want to be in "the gang" and
basically back up anything the nutty people around here say, because
they see them as the leaders.

The most irritating factor is all the people who have no tolerance and
no manners, just a very singleminded view of the world.
They can go on forever about correct signatures or the correct
definition of terms like freeware, but they show a total lack of life
experience and manners in how to treat people.

These people have made thousands of nice people go away because they
just cannot stand such an atmosphere of singlemindedness, intolerance
and bad manners.

Think about a very stupid woman who works in day care of children, she
has no education, no life experience, and that makes her think she is
the world authority on everything.
She treats the small children with a very superior attitude, making
the children do exactly what she thinks is the right thing to do, and
she is doing it with a total lack of self-criticism, totally filled up
of her own being and righteousness.

Isn't that a person we all would just hate?
But a lot of people are somewhat like that without thinking about it.

If I have exaggerated in this explanation it is only to make you
understand. It is often easier to see a tendency if it is drawn out
into some exaggeration so you can see that tendency clearly and
realize that you a little like that yourself.

On the other hand, such explanations often do not work on stupid
people, they just say: Well, I am not THAT bad, so I can go on like

They use such extrapolated explanations as a justification for their
behavior instead of understanding the tendency and start going in the
opposite direction.

And another thing. The same people who are so trigger happy and
condescending when it comes to what others write are quite happy to
fill the newsgroup with rows of completely off-topic messages and chat
like this conversation from yesterday:
Hey, good job on the shades :)

Can't tell a lie: it was moosework. :)

It is like being patronized by some immature gang of high school kids.

Such youngsters often have very little real experience of life. They
have learned to be socially tricky and dominating and think that nice
people are stupid and need some mean treatment to become as
streetsmart and devious as they are.

Like a gang of young sellers in a shop who let the customers stand in
line while they are chatting away, thinking that the stupid customers
have to learn to demand a better treatment.

This is cultural problem in the world today which we need to address,
but that is another story.

You are not put here in this world to teach others a lesson, you are
here to learn your own next lesson.
Just because you are many right now, don't think you are right.
There are simply a lot of people who need to learn those lessons.

Andy Mabbett wrote:
| John Corliss wrote:
| >and the link in my signature below.
| Which you do not to follow yourself, Hypocrite!
| --
| Andy Mabbett
| USA imprisons children without trial, at Guantanamo Bay:
| <>
| <>

I see by the quote in Larry's post that Andy Mabbett is still lashing
out. He's been killfiled on my computer for so long that I forgot all
about him. How pitiful that a man his age can become so obsessed.

That boy has some serious mental issues to deal with.
In message <[email protected]>, John Corliss

Have you got permission from the registered owner of "" to
use their domain, yet?

[snip pointless quote of my sig]]
I see by the quote in Larry's post that Andy Mabbett is still lashing
out. He's been killfiled on my computer for so long that I forgot all
about him.

How pitiful that a man his age can become so obsessed.

Hereby proving my accusation that you don't follow your own FAQ.
That boy has some serious mental issues to deal with.

Yes; and they're all yours.


<Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Then we have the band of followers who want to be in "the gang" and
basically back up anything the nutty people around here say, because
they see them as the leaders.

Yes, I noticed these past few days that the Corliss-Cop picked up a
newbie acolyte. He should be jumping in shortly to echo the party line
for a few weeks. Then he'll come to his senses too.
Roger said:
(whacked the long troll)

Roger (if that really is your name, and I doubt it), bitching about it
when people try to help maintain some form of order in this group is
pointless. People like you are only happy when total anarchy reigns,
and that simply isn't going to happen in this group. There will always
be others who will point out off topic posts and non standard
protocols, and if you don't like it that's just too bad. It's not
going to change.

I suggest that you do some growing up.
Roger said:
Then we have the band of followers who want to be in "the gang" and
basically back up anything the nutty people around here say, because
they see them as the leaders.

Did it ever occur to you that sometimes people simply *agree* with other
people's feelings and actions? It happens. Look around you.
Hi John: <<the FAQ.. scroll down to the #10
(what is pricelessware)..
some examples are...(click to SOS).. and (needs fixing link)..

Need fixing link.. links to:

The NEW home for it is:

Sorry john for forgetting the link address info, and causing confusion..

Have a good day

No problem, Larry. If you hadn't posted your message, I wouldn't have
noticed that bit about jv16 Powertools.
Roger (if that really is your name, and I doubt it), bitching about it
when people try to help maintain some form of order in this group is
pointless. People like you are only happy when total anarchy reigns,
and that simply isn't going to happen in this group.

I didn't notice any anarchy during those few weeks when you weren't
jumping on posters for nit-picking infractions of your rules. I did
however notice an increase in the peace and harmony in the group.
The condescending style of some people, like Boomers way of saying
things like:

The preferred way to post in this newsgroup is bottom posting,

Thank you.

That "Thank you" at the end sounds so.. what shall I call it,
..condescending, she sounds so satisfied with herself, like she really
likes to put somebody down, selfsatisfied may be the word...

Then again it might be expressed hypothetically in the spirit of
enquiry, you never can tell without seeing how things fall into place
with one another.
Self-righteousness is what I am looking for, the tendency of being so
filled up with "the good cause" that you can use any style of treating
people because you are so sure that YOU are right and he is wrong.
And that justifies treating him as a little child who has behaved

We're all guilty of this at one time or another, theres no other way
to establish facts except by making assertions, infact in a lot of
situations it might be more appropriate to encourage this behavoir
than to discourage it. I disklike the word intuition, as it seems to
suggest some kind of prior knowledge, but really that's what is
important if you want to overcome misunderstanding, that an empathy
and the ability to be patient with people, you can call that faith if
you like but just faith without any object to have faith in, just
yourself and your own inherent ability to understand and
consequentially others as well, since that is implied, people can't
help looking to understand each other it's in our nature and
frustration comes about from that apparantley being missing, really
never has been missing though.
Then we have mr Corliss who jumps in anywhere when he feels like
letting off some steam, no matter what the context is. To him it
doesn't matter if a payware program is mentioned in a discussion about
the qualities of different programs for a certain purpose, freeware
alternatives contra payware alternatives, or if a payware program is
advertised right out of the blue by a real spammer, if he has the
brain overheat problem at that moment he jumps on it.

People troll John so it's a measured response more often than it is
not, if it isn't he gets to know about it after the event.
He is also annoying in his way of using too strong weapons, like
reporting people to every authority he can think of if his brain
overheat is especially strong at that moment.

You don't deserve it ? That just implies I should be no different from
John's approach, you are using sorry as a subtle form of hate speech
so that I see myself as less important when truth is that I am no more
and no less important.
He just cannot understand that his view of the world is not the only
possible one, so he reacts on his emotions like they were the reality.
To him they ARE the reality. He has never learned to see things from
more than one perspective or look at his own behavior from an outside
perspective. Filled up of himself and his self-righteousness.
Never learned to think with rational judgement instead of emotional

That logic has any value other than the results of it's application is
just self denial and self denial is what is leading you to talk about
perspectives instead of perspective, if you see and accept a passing
thing simply as what it is and onto the next there really is no other
perspective than that. In my experience taking time to come to terms
with the fact that this is the nature of things has lead to my
emotions not dissapearing but they lose their apparant weight as they
are in effect nothing much more than like ripples and waves, I think
in the west for much of us and much of the time what we are asked to
come to terms with mentally is little more than ripples here and
there, imagine living in a third world country and seeing a lot of
your family dying around you for reasons you can't understand,
emotional responses very much have a purpose while they occur as
really it's a way of looking for that acceptance and then action upon
those circumstances.
Then we have the band of followers who want to be in "the gang" and
basically back up anything the nutty people around here say, because
they see them as the leaders.

Makes no difference. :o)
The most irritating factor is all the people who have no tolerance and
no manners, just a very singleminded view of the world.
They can go on forever about correct signatures or the correct
definition of terms like freeware, but they show a total lack of life
experience and manners in how to treat people.

Can you imagine people just being kind to each other all the time and
not actually establishing knowledge as a means to an end ? Are you
trying to bring us all back into the stone age or something, it's not
going to work ! The more you accept the aspects of another person
which you dislike the more you accept those aspects in yourself and
then they are a non-issue. If you are especially interested in your
own development you would do nothing but actively encourage the things
that cause you most bother, but then you already are doing that quite
well enough without anyone elses help.
These people have made thousands of nice people go away because they
just cannot stand such an atmosphere of singlemindedness, intolerance
and bad manners.

Good. They won't "escape" anyway, the ones that go "elsewhere" will
just come across the same thing they don't accept about what is (when
it comes right down to it) "themself", or the illusion of it. There is
nowhere else at all, there is only here with nothing either inside or
outside of it, we can of course make our descriminations and establish
our values that goes without saying, just that they are nothing more
than a leaf falling off a tree in the face of reality as is.
Think about a very stupid woman who works in day care of children, she
has no education, no life experience, and that makes her think she is
the world authority on everything.

Potty training doesn't happen by itself, perhaps you should just move
on instead of wagging your finger at the teacher ?
She treats the small children with a very superior attitude, making
the children do exactly what she thinks is the right thing to do, and
she is doing it with a total lack of self-criticism, totally filled up
of her own being and righteousness.
Isn't that a person we all would just hate?
But a lot of people are somewhat like that without thinking about it.
If I have exaggerated in this explanation it is only to make you
understand. It is often easier to see a tendency if it is drawn out
into some exaggeration so you can see that tendency clearly and
realize that you a little like that yourself.
On the other hand, such explanations often do not work on stupid
people, they just say: Well, I am not THAT bad, so I can go on like

Ok I'm getting bored now.
They use such extrapolated explanations as a justification for their
behavior instead of understanding the tendency and start going in the
opposite direction.

<snip> <<the FAQ.. scroll down to the #10
(what is pricelessware)..
some examples are...(click to SOS).. and (needs fixing link)..

< snip >

Thanks Larry. Fixed. :-)

Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ)
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
your welcome john(s)
I get tired of all the 404 Err pages.. glad to catch this before it went

-Larry B