Why dont we all meet up for a South v North good old punch up, then lets see who is the hardest out their!
Last man or woman standing win's the title " Hardest person on PCreview" & a packet of band-aids.
I suggest we meet up somewhere where you Northerners will be able to get to easily?
Gatwick sounds a good place, but only as i know a few rozzers (the police) their!
And also has good medical facilities near by in the east surrey hospital.
We will start with a free for all with the title going to the last man, women or numpty standing.
No gouging, spitting or ear bending, but kicking like a girly & hair pulling allowed (I’m ok, I’m going bald)
Simple rules so you from the North can understand them!
The north/south divide line will be drawn roughly through the midlands.
But taking in stoke & Shropshire as they like a good old fashion rumbles on the terraces.
No knives, knuckle dusters or murdoch’s ex-wife’s allowed!
The bit you need to know is this:
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Address will forwarded to all those who PM me.