John Fitzsimons
On 30 Jun 2004 16:18:55 -0700, (e-mail address removed) (Con
Jorliss) wrote:
Nice summary of the situation IMO.
Jorliss) wrote:
As a long-time subscriber to ACF I've been appalled by recent events
here - not just the chronically immature Ms Burger's attempted coup
d'etat, but also by the shocking absence of loyalty shown to Genna by
many of the very ACFers who sang her praises to the skies when she was
maintaining the PW list.
How quickly some seem to forget all that Genna did for ACF!
All that matters to them is that Ms Burger's keeping the show on the
road now and her devious misrepresentations of Genna's words and
intentions are overlooked for fear of upsetting the new ACF workhorse.
One by one Genna's old "friends" and self-styled admirers have stuck
the knife into her memory, purely and simply to keep Ms Burger sweet
and the wheels of the PW database turning.
Of course, whereas Genna was regarded with genuine affection by many
here, no one actually likes Ms Burger. How could they? But ACFers are
nothing if not pragmatic, and if the group's new workhorse is a
Machiavellian control-freak who seeks only ego-gratification from her
labours, then so be it. At least the work is getting done.
I've never before witnessed such a callous and heartless tossing aside
of a valued friend for the sake of mere expediency.
The only consolation Genna may take from all this is that the time
will inevitably come when Ms Burger too is ousted by an even more sly
and ambitious megalomaniac, and then she too will be consigned to the
ACF recycle bin while the two-faced regulars sing the newcomer's
Ms Burger is an extremely silly and immature woman. She has behaved
like a spoiled and dishonest child throughout this whole business. She
is not to be trusted.
She has brought ACF into disrepute with her infantile behaviour and
underhand tactics.
Leave this foolish, scheming empire builder in charge of the PW list
and you'll all come to regret it.
Nice summary of the situation IMO.