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w_tom said:
Your reasoning of 'removing molecules that would be replaced
by other molecules' violates principles of ideal gas laws and
partial pressures. Completely irrelevant whether the
atmosphere is fixed or expands.

kony was wondering where the substituted molecules were going (and said
they don't just disappear which is correct - but they are no longer
within the volume of air under discussion). Are you saying the
following statement is false?

"To see why humid air is less dense than dry air, we need to turn to one
of the laws of nature the Italian physicist Amadeo Avogadro discovered
in the early 1800s. In simple terms, he found that a fixed volume of
gas, say one cubic meter, at the same temperature and pressure, would
always have the same number of molecules no matter what gas is in the
(Also see http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Avogadro.html.)

See http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/kinetic/idegas.html#c4,
under "Molecular Constants". The Ideal Gas Law is "ideal" because it
neglects the energy levels in each shell and the number of shells for
different atoms and, as you say, elasticity changes at severely drastic
temperatures (which are not encountered, anyway). Where do you see the
Ideal Gas Law being violated when X number of nitrogen molecules are
removed and replaced with an equal X number of hydrogen atoms so the
same constant number of molecules is maintained within the same volume
(under the same pressure and temperature)?

Ideal Gas Law is: PV = NkT

where P is pressure and V is volume. These are constant in this
discussion because the focus was on how density might affect thermal
transfer rate, not how pressure or temperature affect density but rather
how changing the constituent atom types within a gas mix can alter its
density due to the different atomic masses but the total number of
molecules does not change. k = R/A where R is the universal gas
constant and A is Avagadro's Number (also a constant). So obviously N,
the number of molecules, cannot change unless you change pressure,
volume, or temperature.

With temperature and volume as constant, and if you remove N nitrogen
molecules and are trying to maintain the same total pressure (regarding
your argument about partial pressures), you would have to add the same
number of hydrogen molecules to maintain the same pressure as before.
So you swap some nitrogen molecules with hydrogen molecules to keep the
pressure the same but hydrogen has a lower atomic mass than nitrogen so
the total mass of that constant volume got decreased, and if mass goes
down in the same volume then density went down. So you start with:

PV = NkT

where V, k, and T are constant, so:

P ~ N

With 78% of the atmosphere being nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93% argon, and
0.07% trace gases, you have:

P ~ 78% N (for nitrogen)
+ 21% N (oxygen)
+ 1% N (for argon and trace gases)
= 100% N

If you wanted to make 10% of the gas mixture be water molecules, you'll
end up with over 100% of the maximum molecules allowed within the fixed
volume at the constant pressure that you are trying to maintain (for
your partial pressures rule) and at the same temperature. So you'll
have to take out 10% of some other molecules out to put in the 10% of
water molecules:

P ~ 73% N (for nitrogen, reduced 5%)
+ 16% N (for oxygen, reduced 5%)
+ 1% N (for argon and trace gases)
+ 10% N (for the added water molecules)
= 100% N

Got any established physics formulae to backup your statements? So far
what the articles said and what I've said still comply with your Ideal
Gas Law.

Turbulence both adversely affects and improves cooling. But
we don't care. Copper inside a heatsink may or may not improve
cooling - depending on how it was designed. But again, we
don't care. Heatsink fan's CFMs affect cooling. But again, we
don't care. It is part of a design number called 'degree C
per watt' - that responsible heatsink manufacuturers provide
with every heatsink assembly. What is the 'degree C per watt'
for that heatsink? If not provided, then why not?

There's a dimension missing in that spec. How could that relate to the
thermal transfer *rate* (to actually get *rid* of the heat)? A 1 C per
1 W spec would mean a 100W source would produce 100 C for a temperature
yet you know dunking the heatsink in liquid nitrogen won't have the
heatsink measuring 100 C. Also, the CPU would have an equivalent
rating: if you don't cool it then the die will reach some maximum
temperature (if it survives) under static operating conditions for the
number of watts consumed by the processor, but obviously that is not the
state under which you want to operate the processor because that
temperature level for that amount of power consumption is destructive.
Hold on while I go look at some heatsink specs ...

.... okay, found http://www.thermaltake.com/coolers/volcano/rs/a1889a.htm
which shows the graph that you are probably talking about which is the
*rise* in C over *ambient* temperature for the number of watts absorbed.
The Athlon XP 3200+ Barton produces 77 watts (so it is a bit outside the
graph). With linear interpolation (looks like 0.5 C per watt for this
fan-heatsink-compound combo), the 77W CPU would have its die temperature
supposedly run about 41 C ABOVE ambient (case) temperature. So with a
case (or system) temperature of 38 C (the 100 F that you mentioned
before), the CPU die's temperature would be around 79 C (still under the
critical 85 C die temperature maximum but getting damn close).

Understand that this is not a measurement for just one cooling
component. It is the effective cooling for the thermal compound they
must provide (to know its transfer characteristics), the heatsink, and
the specific fan they have matched with that heatsink (with no airflow
restrictions causing back pressure around the fan). Use a fan with a
higher CFM (with more noise), lap the mating CPU and heatsink surfaces,
and/or replace Artic Silver for whatever thermal compound they provide
and that graph changes. Since that rating is for a rise in temperature
ABOVE the ambient temperature, it already accounts for increased
temperatures. However, I'm pretty sure they also quote that rating
based on expected environmental conditions, like the computer isn't
submerged in liquid nitrogen.
If you allow the pressure to change then density is a non-issue. If you
want to compare a change in density regarding thermal transfer, you
can't be changing the pressure (and thusly the volume, too). You could
up the pressure to provide whatever density you wanted.

I don't feel density is a non-issue, they are still two
variables under consideration. The cooling subsystem, being
powered by a fixed voltage (or specific range of fan
throttling and response curve) will still move variable
amounts of air depending on the other variables.

No one said they disappear. They move somewhere else. That's why the
atmosphere doesn't have a restricted volume; i.e., we don't have a rigid
dome covering out atmosphere to prevent expansion (and contraction). A
huge meteor hitting the Earth can blow the atmosphere far enough away
that it won't return (too far for gravity to pull it back) due to its
explosion of solids turned into gases that *displaces* the atmosphere.
The atmosphere didn't disappear. It got pushed out to a larger volume.

That would be an exception, IMO, as a large amount of energy
is being introduced.

By the way, barometric pressure DECREASES with an increase in humidity.
See http://www.coscosci.com/barometric/barometer.htm. Note as the
pressure decreases (lower height in the mercury pushed up in the other
vertical tube) that there is more chance of precipitation (because there
is more humidity). Since the weight of a volume of air (due to gravity)
depends on its density, lower density means less weight, so less
pressure on the open column of mercury to push it down and then up into
the next sealed tube to compress that fixed quantity of gas.

I don't dispute that humidity decreases pressure in a
localized area. Rather, that the water vapor itself
increases the pressure (average) of the entire system.

The atmosphere is not a fixed volume.

For all practical purposes it is- while some can escape,
nothing is addded save the asteroid theory. Changes in
localization of water vapor are not in themselves changes in
volume of the atmosphere if it increases the density of the
lesser-vapor saturated air.
Again coming back to the misconception that the atmosphere is a fixed
volume. You are not adding water (gaseous or liquid) into a box that
has a fixed volume. Adding water vapor (i.e., in its gaseous form)
means having to displace molecules already there. Unlike an experiment
where you might pump the water vapor into a fixed sized box which would
result in upping the pressure inside, you are adding water vapor to the
*atmosphere* which can expand, so the pressure is not increased by
adding more molecules to the same volume but by pushing out the heavier
atoms with lighter ones with a consequential weight change due to the
reduced density.

Again this is untrue. If the air could simply expand to
normalize, minimize pressure, we would have no atmosphere on
earth- it would escape into outer space.

Which goes against what HVAC engineers will claim, that turbulence (to
maintain the same flow rate) is resistance which means you have to add
more energy to the airflow which means its kinetic energy is higher
which means its temperature is higher which means there is less thermal

Many years ago I was in the HVAC field for a time. I am
familiar with much of it. The turbulence is a problem for
air delivery, movement of it, NOT the removal of heat from
exchangers. The goal is to maximize the flow rate TO the
target, and maximize heat transfer at that target.

Turbulence does aid in solid-air heat exchange.

Also, please explain what you mean by "surface boundary
layers". A molecule of air against a higher temperature surface will
become more kinetic.

Yet it simultaneously reduces in velocity due to the
increased pressure differential between the unrestricted
areas and the inner-heatsink region. There is a friction
between the air and 'sink fins, it slows the air.


However, you still want to move that molecule of
air *away* from the surface from which you are extracting heat.

yes, that's why turbulence is beneficial.
Obviously laminar airflow that is perfectly parallel to the other
surface may never impact that surface to receive kinetic energy from the
collision. But a laminar flow of air against a surface (by angling it
against the surface) doesn't need to itself generate [much] turbulence
so that molecule's average velocity is away from the surface rather than
at it or against the direction of airflow; see

Untrue. Even when laminar airflow (as much as is possible)
is directed at an object, the laminar air velocity nearest
that object is lower.

where the angle of attack is mentioned. Also, even if the flow were
laminar (or maximal) for the CPU heatsink, you still have to get that
heated air away from the heatsink, and turbulent airflow inside the case
can have that warmed air returned and result in a slow heat exchange.

No, both factors are at play and the turbulence on the
radiation surface overcomes the impedance caused by the
turbulence, primarily because an attempt is made to ONLY
have have most turbulence on the object being cooled, and
minimal turbulence at the entry and exhaust points.

I read the rest of your post but at this point have become
apathetic about it- not your fault, I simply have other
issues to attend to at this point in time.
kony was wondering where the substituted molecules were going (and said
they don't just disappear which is correct - but they are no longer
within the volume of air under discussion). Are you saying the
following statement is false?

I'm not "wondering", it is clear that for the water vapor to
displace them (and result in a lower density), it is
manditory that they be moved into lower-water-vapor regions
that are being contrasted for the purposes of comparing the
density. That there are two issues at work, not only that
the water vapor is lighter molecule per molecule but that
the very existence of the water vapor results in the
contrasts area being more dense that it would be without
that vapor in the OTHER air.

"To see why humid air is less dense than dry air, we need to turn to one
of the laws of nature the Italian physicist Amadeo Avogadro discovered
in the early 1800s. In simple terms, he found that a fixed volume

He's where he goes wrong... claiming a fixed volume, BUT one
where molecules are allowed to escape. One cannot consider
a "fixed" quantity but then not have a closed system where
matter is not added or subtracted... else the results have
to factor for the effect of this change, and that the change
is causing the density comparison to be made to air in which
this has already happened. Comparing a theoretical system
(the air with water vapor introduced) to a system which
violates this model (the other air to which the displaced,
added air molecules are ignored).. is invalid.

Again, atmosphere cannot continually expand to equalize
pressure. That would result in loss of atmosphere
continually without regeneration enough to sustain it.
Science about pressure, humidity, etc is completely
irrelevant to CPU cooling. To have those parameter changes
made relevant to IC cooling, then room enviroment changes
significantly - in some cases to make human life difficult.
All those pressure, humidity, etc speculations are complete
irrelevant the computer assemblers and IC operating

The parameter that applies to heatsink fan assmeblies is
'degree C per watt'. That parameter remains constant in 70
degree rooms as well as in 100+ degree F rooms. Liquid
Nitrogen, low pressure, and other exotic environments are
completely irrelevant - so irrelevant that it should not even
be mentioned.

Does a IC at 50 degrees C last (statistically) longer than
one at 60 degrees? Yes. And again, we then apply the
numbers. An IC that would have lasted just short of 200 years
will now fail in something closer to 150 years. Who cares?
That is the point. Until specific numbers are provided, then
junk science reasoning can even prove the sun gets too close
to the earth. The primary reason for keeping CPU temperature
below 90 degree C is CPU reliablity. As the CPU gets warmer,
critical timing changes and voltage thresholds change - and
CPU crashes. We keep the CPU so cool that timing problems,
metastable states, etc do not create software execution

When Arctic Silver is recommended, then speculation not
based upon numbers routinely follows. Arctic Silver is not
significantly different from other far less expensive brand
name thermal compounds. Arctic Silver hypes on emotion -
which is why Arctic Silver recommendations routinely don't
provide thermal conductivity numbers. Once we eliminate
Arctic Silver hype, then a thermal compound is a thermal
compound. Furthermore, thermal compound on a properly
machined interface typically results in only single digit
temperature differences as compared to no thermal compound.
Thermal compound's most important function is to correct
immproperly machined surfaces or improperly installed heatsink

Things such as CPU to heatsink interface, heatsink design,
and the heatsink fan all conspire to create one simple
specification parameter - 'degree C per watt'. A responsible
CPU assmebler start his thermal management design using that
number. A number that informed computer assemblers could
provide without looking it up. Many just advocate what others
have told them without even learning the 'degree C per watt'
numbers or the science behind that parameter.

'0.5 degree C per watt' would be a lesser quality heatsink
fan for today's Intel and AMD CPUs. But so many computer
assemblers are so easily manipulated by 'color glossy'
brochures as to have never first learned about 'degree C per
watt' AND blindly advocate the overpriced hype called Arctic
Silver. Some manufacturers will even hype copper or big fans
rather than provide 'degree C per watt'.

Some even advocate lapping the heatsink perfectly flat.
Again, they did not first learn from heatsink application
notes. Perfectly flat is not necessarily better. But again,
a characteristic irrelevant to the computer assembler who
instead first demands the 'degree C per watt' number. That
number defines conditions such as how the heatsink was

Does the heatsink manufacturer provide the 'degree C per
watt' number? If not, then suspect he is not marketing to
informed customers. Too many computer assmeblers just know
things without first learning numbers. That is often a more
profitable market.

Returning to the original questions. Desktop computers must
work just fine even when the room temperature exceeds 100
degree F. CPU temperature in a 70 degree F room must provide
sufficient margin so that the system can operate even when in
a 35 degree F warmer room - as all properly assembled PCs must

Was your PC properly constructed. Its summer. Run the
machine all day in a 100 degree F room. If higher
temperatures cause the PC to fail, then the PC is defective.
On Tue, 14 Jun 2005 18:20:56 -0400, w_tom
Some manufacturers will even hype copper or big fans
rather than provide 'degree C per watt'.

While I agree that degree/watt is the primary concern,
unfortunately heatsink manufacturers are not standardizing
this with a constant flow rate. Instead they'll include an
excessively loud fan, or even on very good 'sinks, they will
recommend if not include the loud, high flow fans.

I buy upper-median to high end heatsinks more often than
not, but never high RPM fans. For this reason, the
degree/watt figures provided are less useful than an
examination of the design, particularly the fin surface
area, base thickness, and base copper %.
Some even advocate lapping the heatsink perfectly flat.
Again, they did not first learn from heatsink application
notes. Perfectly flat is not necessarily better. But again,
a characteristic irrelevant to the computer assembler who
instead first demands the 'degree C per watt' number. That
number defines conditions such as how the heatsink was

If you recall a year or two ago, I did lap a heatsink as
perfectly flat as "I" could humanly do it. The result was
same (or rather, small enough difference that single-digit
measurement precision couldn't differentiate) temperature
with no thermal compound as with compound. I have since
then used a different heatsink to compare (a different CPU)
without thermal compound and found an 7C difference. This
different heatsink was not perfectly flat but was given a
basic lap job- to the extent I usually do it to any 'sink
that seems a bit coarse.

The point would be that there can be a small gain from
manually lapping, but that the compound is a far easier way
to achieve similar temps, and so I never lap heatsinks down
as perfectly as possible, only enough for the compound to
make up the difference. The design of the heatsink can
also matter, because some types of extruded solid-aluminum
are concave and thus ill-suited to CPUs having large heat
spreaders. Even so, at the current 100C threshold many
(Intel) CPUs are reaching, the short exahust path out of the
case becomes more important to prevent recirculation.