Temp files - is this true??

Considering past problems - delete the lot.

I know, I keep saying that don't I?

But it's what I'd do.

Any probs through deletion - reinstall relevant software.
My machine is 12 months old:

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3000+, 512 MB RAM, Radeon 9200 SE. Hard drive: 18.7 GB used, 89.9 GB free.

What do you reckon??

Gabriella x
Generally I use the windows based disk clean up utility. It does a fairly well job, though their are better programs; as far as what to delete - I delete everything that says temperary or internet. I don't save cookies, or any downloaded temporary images. I would not erase old or archive because as cache-man said they may be backup utilites.

To optomise your system I would suggest removing, Temporary files(they should be automatically erased after a set period of time any way, but they buid up quickly), temporary internet files(theses make websites appear to run faster by downloading the images to hard dive), downloaded program files, and the recycling bin( DO THIS A WEEK OR SO AFTER THE REST SO YOU CAN UNDO IF YOU MESS UP)

I have never come across any computer with that many files installed, it just does not make sense to me. Besides, you used just 18.7 GB of the space on your disk which possibly cannot hold 76 million files :)

Because of what you said I just ran the program to see how many duplicate files my laptop has, at that very moment I realised where the mistake is commited, what you are reading is probably the number of bytes and not the number of files. I want you to check it again and confirm. Right at the bottom there are three things, bytes, files, and groups and the last one gives the time it would take to complete.

I hope this helps

Checked again - bytes: 1,966,453; files: 1,624; groups (whatever they are!!): 596.

I got the figure of over 76 million within the log that Easy Cleaner created. It looks as though it counts sequentially from 1 onwards (for every item found) and that where I came up with 76 million!!

Gabriella x