Windows Messenger and MSN Messenger are separate apps--in fact, legally
separated, I suspect. They can be installed at the same time, not sure
about running.
Their running at the same time was evidenced by the message about
"logged in from a new location". Tsk!
Rebooted and found myself back to square
1.5 without Spybot or MSAS. Per suggestion, logged out and back
to find all back to apparent normal.
If it's a Shell error why aren't more folks experiencing this? Or
most folks not realize it's happening?
The unexpected disappearance of icons from the System Notification
Area (formerly known as the System Tray), even when they are
configured always to show, appears to be a long-standing bug in XP.
As you have already discovered, the missing icons always return if
you Log Off and Log On again. But if you Restart, the icons
disappear again.
Hide when inactive stopped functioning last night again. Same as
before: checking boxes changes nothing.
The problem appears to be a little non-deterministic: no-one has
found a set of rules that guarantees it will happen, so that the
Windows shell team developers could investigate what it going on.
The problem has however been experienced by many users.
I've turned Fast User Switching off since a single-user machine
doesn't need it. Also I found that despite all appearances there was
MSN Messenger *and* Windows Messenger installed and running
concurrently. Last reboot all icons came up, still no hiding though.
However, there is one heavily implicated issue which might be
provoking the problem, and most people suffering from this problem
agree that it could be an issue with them: delays (possibly
networking) during the initialisation of some of the processes which
put up the Notification Area icons. In other words, if one of the
earlier processes which posts a Notification Area icon is held up
for some reason, then later processes fail to post their
Notification Area icon at all. Typical reason for a delay might be
waiting for a network response which never comes, or a crash which
causes a minidump in the background.
Why would this malfunction/bug not manifest itself from the
beginning? My wife's been running XP since December and only last
week the non-hiding and icon non-loading (as in the case of Spybot
and MSAS) began.
In your case, I would guess that the HP network printer driver is a
prime suspect for causing this effect. If you have not already done
so, I recommend that you update your HP printer drivers to the
latest version (dated 10-2004) from their site. Also, ensure that
your printer is online and functional when you start Windows.
The HP 6800#U is on the LAN at the router, and is
available-functional at bootup. The printer however was installed
two weeks ago, a week before icons stopped hiding round these parts.
Drivers were downloaded and installed as a second nature..
I'm going to sniff around and see if settings for notification from
the printer status routine (if I have it on, I don't usually have
them loaded if I can help it) have an effect on this.
Uninstalled MSN Messenger. It wouldn't be uninstalled so I did it
brute-force with Add-Remove, Windows Uninstaller, removing the
folders, and removing the Startup references, then rebooting.
Surprise! Windows Messenger was *also* concurrently installed under it
from the initial XP install. [shaking finger] Not uninstalling
previous versions is something I expect from Adobe.
Windows Messenger, restarted, reinstalled MSN Messenger from the site.
The weird duplicate login message has of course gone away, thanks to
there only being one copy of Messenger trying to get at things.
Rebooted, icons hiding again from the start. Still logout-login to
see all icons.
Stephen Goodman
* Cartoons about DVDs and Stuff