Cor Ligthert [MVP]
I should have know that you are a Dutchman so opionated as you are.
However, you check that my statement is correct.
I only attached the table to the database and it did it for the rest as you
Did you attach the table and tried it again?

<[email protected]> schreef in bericht
Hi Cor, I just updated my computer with the hotfix 915880 from
Microsoft and you are correct, It doesn't work. FYI, I am Dutch!
Although I was born in Canada and only speak english
I should have know that you are a Dutchman so opionated as you are.
However, you check that my statement is correct.
I only attached the table to the database and it did it for the rest as you
Did you attach the table and tried it again?

<[email protected]> schreef in bericht
Hi Cor, I just updated my computer with the hotfix 915880 from
Microsoft and you are correct, It doesn't work. FYI, I am Dutch!
Although I was born in Canada and only speak english

Troy ,
I don't think so,
If I was using as you had showed, (what was fine for me, I never did it
way), than the update was *not* processed. Because I always use a
attached to the Server I have attached that created one.
In that case when I set a breakpoint before the update, changed it as you
wrote and went on, I got a concurrency error (nd when I did not change it
"Inbreuk op gelijktijdige uitvoering: 0 van de verwachte 1 records zijn
beïnvloed door de UpdateCommand."
If you don't believe me, ask somebody who speaks Dutch
To summarize with the not connected mdf file the update was completely not
I did it now in a windowform, but that did it either with a standalone mdf
as I have tested this.
I have not tested it with a consoleapplication but I expect the same
I hope you get the same result.
I think I found the problem. See:
I haven't been able to get the hotfix yet to try it though.