Sys x: format x:/u/s

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XP home edn won't let me do this. Do I have to do something to turn it on,
like superuser (su) in Unix?

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]
From: <>

| XP home edn won't let me do this. Do I have to do something to turn it on,
| like superuser (su) in Unix?

XP Home Edition let you do what ?

There is nothing in the body of your post you are referring to.
Ok, I've trying to put QUantian from DVD on a Linpus Acer Aspire One
by first transferring it to a USB flash drive. I can't take linpus
any more. It is so amateurish and refuses to take any udates (eg
Firefox, Writer dictionaries) or modifications. (emacs/octave/R/Maxima
repomd.xml issues). THe only thing good on it are the games.

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]
From: <>

| Ok, I've trying to put QUantian from DVD on a Linpus Acer Aspire One
| by first transferring it to a USB flash drive. I can't take linpus
| any more. It is so amateurish and refuses to take any udates (eg
| Firefox, Writer dictionaries) or modifications. (emacs/octave/R/Maxima
| repomd.xml issues). THe only thing good on it are the games.

That says a lot... but says nothing.