Em Quarta, 16 de Julho de 2008 20:35, Bill Yanaire escreveu:
Kid... you are the retard here, you only don't realize that because, your're
retard, and retards have a very low compreension of the world that surronds
them, while they only get along with other retards, they live together in
harmony, like a flock of sheep... and they never get tired of been
domesticaded animals.
I did, the movie was made with linux on super computers
You will see that the video rendering part
to make the MOVIE is NOT done in a Linux environment. Oops.
rendering? the easiest part?
obviosly, besides not knowing what a firewall is, you also do not know what
a animation movie is or how is it made.
every frame was created with a kind of 3D vectorial drawing program, and
that was the hard work...
putting all the frames in a sequence? that's kid's play... all those
supercomputers running a real SO wore been needed for real working.
meditate on this: you don't write in this newsgroup... you "wrong" in this