I agree.
you see, some people are simply hyprocrites or ignorant
at best.
they do not understand what database's are.
they do not understand that the operating system is a highly
complex database and when people add programs to it, they
are updating the database.
so if they clean and defrag a database like the operating system,
then they should also clean and defrag the registry hive because
it is also database - a database of keys and settings.
the registry keys in a database are not unlike a handful of ol'
computer punch cards.
bad cards or erroneously punched cards had to be removed or
replaced before processing them as a batch or the end results
would be erroneous.
a faulty registry will not only decrease system performance and
has to propencity to prevent the system from booting.
I did an analysis on a couple of registry cleaners utilizng simply
database methodologies.
the microsoft one care reg cleaner and the eusing cleaner were
proven as beneficial in keeping the reg cleaned of unneeded keys.
removing unneeded keys keeps the hive lean and mean and less
people don't realize that if one fragments out of dozens belonging
to a file becomes corrupted, then that entire file becomes corrupted
as well.
also, if one fragment of a file system becomes corrupted, then there
is a possibility that the file system is becoming corrupted as well.
reducing the registry fragmentation has also been addressed by
mark russinovich.
so it is highly important for people to use the reg cleaners I
mentioned above.
or will be seeing them in the future posting an issue about the failure
of their system to boot up due to missing or corrupted system 32 files.
DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- @Hotmail.com
"share the nirvana mann" - dbZen