Surprise Cambridge Airshow *PIC HEAVY*

Just revisiting this old thread and bought back some old memories of when I saw parts of this show as I was only a few miles from Chris..
Brilliant pics

I have just bought a new top of the range frequency scanner and have a stack of frequencies programmed in now for all the airshows and flying teams from UK and Europe including Red Arrow freq's, so will be attending a few displays this year..
Hoping to see XH558 again at one of the displays at least and Lancaster bomber and spitfires as well as some of the old WWI Biplanes..

If anyones attending Airshows around the UK this season please post and maybe we'll meet up for a chat and a beer in the beer-tent :D
The Vulcan is sadly going to fly for the last time this display season.
Due to the ongoing costs and airworthiness it could be the last season.:(
:thumb:Great pictures Chris I have just come upon this thread. I flew in the Sally B when she was at West Malling Airfield filming a TV series called We'll Meet Again. Great memories.:cheers:
The Vulcan is sadly going to fly for the last time this display season.
Due to the ongoing costs and airworthiness it could be the last season.:(

Thats a shame, i saw the Vulcan fly at Duxford last year, awesome to see it was....

Yep, looks like they need a shed load more cash to keep her going...
Saw the Vulcan at the Eastbourne Airshow last year.
It was doing circuits over beachy head waiting to start it's display for 10minutes.
And everyone was watching it & not the current display!

And when it flew in wow what a display!
50% of the crowd left after it and done it's 10 minute program!!
The Vulcan is sadly going to fly for the last time this display season.
Due to the ongoing costs and airworthiness it could be the last season.:(

They said that the year before last but it still flew, they always seem to get the funds right on deadline...
Sadly though you could be right thats why I'm going to get as many displays in as I can this year :(