everyone want's to uninstall this crappy microsoft stuff up... I would have
thought that the second beta would be quite good , but no...audio driver
problems , firewall problems. I'm not even going to install the new vista
drivers for my radeonx800xt , whats the point if the new drivers for my
Audigy2ZS refuses to install bluescreen of death included.
It took forever and a day to install and now I find that I must format my
facking hdd !
Good one morons , after all these years you still can't get it right...the
only reason I use windows at all is for gaming compatibility...
I'll be buying a second computer soon and it will be an APPLE , nice one
microsoft you just ensured your own demise with this crap.
everybody hates it hates it , everybody hates it ... so.do.I
thought that the second beta would be quite good , but no...audio driver
problems , firewall problems. I'm not even going to install the new vista
drivers for my radeonx800xt , whats the point if the new drivers for my
Audigy2ZS refuses to install bluescreen of death included.
It took forever and a day to install and now I find that I must format my
facking hdd !
Good one morons , after all these years you still can't get it right...the
only reason I use windows at all is for gaming compatibility...
I'll be buying a second computer soon and it will be an APPLE , nice one
microsoft you just ensured your own demise with this crap.
everybody hates it hates it , everybody hates it ... so.do.I