Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost

  • Thread starter Thread starter niknik1971
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I wondered is there a list on the net for supported flash drives to be used
for ReadyBoost?

Any info would be gratefully appreciated.

I believe there is a read/write limit, not sure how much, but something like
I think that's the only thing.
I don't know of any list, but I tried a Memores TravelDrive 1G & a Connect 1G
Stick, and neither one was fast enough.
-----Original Message-----
From: niknik1971 []
Posted At: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:25 PM
Posted To:
Conversation: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost
Subject: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost

I wondered is there a list on the net for supported flash
drives to be used
for ReadyBoost?

Any info would be gratefully appreciated.


From several flash drives I have including 2GB Kingston DataTraveler,
the only one that was good enough for ReadyBoost was... my MP3 player
(Qumo Evo).
Get this... I formatted my Apple iPod to NTFS. I was hoping it would be
ReadyBoost supported but it was toooooooo slow. I had to do a registry hack
to get it working so I could see how it worked.

Alexander Suhovey said:
-----Original Message-----
From: niknik1971 []
Posted At: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:25 PM
Posted To:
Conversation: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost
Subject: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost

I wondered is there a list on the net for supported flash
drives to be used
for ReadyBoost?

Any info would be gratefully appreciated.


From several flash drives I have including 2GB Kingston DataTraveler,
the only one that was good enough for ReadyBoost was... my MP3 player
(Qumo Evo).
1) What was the Registry hack you used ?
2) Was your iPod Flash or HD Based ?
3) What were your results ?

Yoshi said:
Get this... I formatted my Apple iPod to NTFS. I was hoping it would be
ReadyBoost supported but it was toooooooo slow. I had to do a registry hack
to get it working so I could see how it worked.

Alexander Suhovey said:
-----Original Message-----
From: niknik1971 []
Posted At: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:25 PM
Posted To:
Conversation: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost
Subject: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost

I wondered is there a list on the net for supported flash
drives to be used
for ReadyBoost?

Any info would be gratefully appreciated.


From several flash drives I have including 2GB Kingston DataTraveler,
the only one that was good enough for ReadyBoost was... my MP3 player
(Qumo Evo).
niknik1971 said:
I wondered is there a list on the net for supported flash drives to
be used for ReadyBoost?

Any info would be gratefully appreciated.

The problem with USB 2 memory sticks not working is far more likely to be
tied to the speed of the USB bus (driver issue?) than the stick being used.
In my tests, if one of my memory sticks worked on a particular machine then
all of them did (that's a verbatim 256mb, Crucial 1gb, Disgo/Kingston 1gb,
512mb & 256mb models...) and conversely if the first one I put in didn't
work then none of them did. As the speed of all my drives doesn't magically
change depending on what corner of the test lab I'm standing in, the problem
is with the USB bus on the computers I think.

Hence the hack being touted elsewhere in the thread to turn on ReadyBoost
regardless of speed might be interesting in terms of letting people see what
the dialogue boxes look like, but its unlikely to actually improve the
running state of the computer that much. Same goes for a list of "supported"
usb drives; almost any good USB 2 drive should work fine and if not the
problem probably isn't with the stick itself.
2) it's an iPod Nano and it uses flash.
3) results are inconclusive. i really can't tell either way. i know it's
working though.

Hope this helps.

Me Jarhead said:
1) What was the Registry hack you used ?
2) Was your iPod Flash or HD Based ?
3) What were your results ?

Yoshi said:
Get this... I formatted my Apple iPod to NTFS. I was hoping it would be
ReadyBoost supported but it was toooooooo slow. I had to do a registry
to get it working so I could see how it worked.

Alexander Suhovey said:
-----Original Message-----
From: niknik1971 []
Posted At: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 11:25 PM
Posted To:
Conversation: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost
Subject: Supported flash drives for ReadyBoost

I wondered is there a list on the net for supported flash
drives to be used
for ReadyBoost?

Any info would be gratefully appreciated.


From several flash drives I have including 2GB Kingston DataTraveler,
the only one that was good enough for ReadyBoost was... my MP3 player
(Qumo Evo).