Thomas G. Marshall
JTK coughed up:
This is a red herring. Java was almost as fast as compiled C++ when
it was released. Then they improved the speed in the next release,
and it was even more almost as fast as complied C++. But Sun wasn't
finished yet: another release, and Java was so fast it was almost as
fast as compiled C++!
But that's ancient history. Today's modern Java has blown the
proverbial doors off. What with yer JVMs and JITs and JINIs and
whatnot, why, today's Java is almost as fast as complied C++.
All that said, I have to give Sun credit for realizing that there is
still room for improvement, and for working even at this late date
toward a bright new future where Java is even faster. Why, if we're
lucky, this new "multitasking" (whatever that is, sounds newfangled!)
will make Java so fast it will be almost as fast as compiled C++!!!
These are indeed heady days, fellow Javapologists!