Suggestions for "Brain training" software please

  • Thread starter Thread starter James UK
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James said:
If anyone is following this, I've just had this post land in my RSS

Which is reference to a load of web based "brain" games... exactly what
I was looking for. Alas, my Father doesn't have web access, but this is
what I wanted really, if anyone else can help?

The ACFG web page lists several good game download sites:

I'll recommend Jotto:

Jotto is a traditional word-guessing game more akin to code-breaking
games such as Mastermind than to the comparatively simple-minded
Hangman. You guess a five-letter word and the computer tells you how
many letters are matches--but not which ones. A real brain-teaser.

This version chooses from over 2,900 words and also checks your guesses
against its wordlist.

For Windows and Palm.
Download Jotto for Windows(115 Kb)
NEW! Jotto for Palm (28 Kb)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
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That's great! Are you able / willing to upload them to a Binary group
for me?

If they are freeware, then I'd suggest alt.binaries.freeware, but I
have a "pay-for" News service, so I should be able to get to most other

I've got a paidfor server (NIN), but I can't find binaries on it - I guess
it doesn't do them
If they are fairly small when combined, and again, you are happy to do
so, let me know here and I'll give you a valid email you can mail to.
I've checked my webspace, and it seems I'm allowed 100Meg, and I've only
goe some placeholder rubbish there, which *they* claim uses 1 meg.

Yeah, right.

Anyhow unless there's some problem, I should be able to post them there if
I can remember how.

leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before typing in
maybe you need something intetresting and stimulating instead :)
The way I might approach it is ask him if there were no practical
considerations, what would he really like to do. You'll get the
usual impratical ideas first, but after that should come a trickle
of things where at least something can be followed up on. It may
take several days before such ideas show up. Each person is
interested in different things, so one needs to draw the buried
interests out of them rather than suggesting a few dull and
pointless projects.

Ok, thanks. I'll give that a shot. ;-)
mike leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before typing in
I can't respond in more detail at the moment, as the choir has a
scial tonight, as we got away with it again on Saturday, and it's
the end of our year, tomorrow I'll have more time, and may have to
ask for training on data transfer methods; up till now I've just
put stuff on my big hard disc in the sky and let someone else read
it off when they want.

("big hard disc" - you can tell I was raised on 20 and 40mB 386es)

OK, well thanks again, and LMK when you are ready. You can email me at;





mike leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before typing in
Anyhow unless there's some problem, I should be able to post them
there if I can remember how.

That would be great thanks. See my other post in this thread for a
valid email, if you want to drop me a line.

John Fitzsimons leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before
typing in alt.comp.freeware:
Regards, John.


Thanks for the input. Appreciated.

Susan Bugher leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before typing
in alt.comp.freeware:
I'll recommend Jotto:

Jotto is a traditional word-guessing game more akin to code-breaking
games such as Mastermind than to the comparatively simple-minded
Hangman. You guess a five-letter word and the computer tells you how
many letters are matches--but not which ones. A real brain-teaser.

Thanks Susan, I'll give that a go. Appreciated. ;-)

That would be great thanks. See my other post in this thread for a
valid email, if you want to drop me a line.
Thanks for the address, James.

I was wondering how to cope, as I don't want to put a valid address on this
(well, any group) and couldn't think how to encode it.

Also, I intend, if I upload ok, to hide the files a little, JIC.

I uploaded a game last night, quite a whopper by the general standard of
thse games, and it was pretty damn slow - kept me biting my nails for quite
a time.

I'll get organised, and let you know when they're there

raincoater said:
Hello, Susan Bugher !
You wrote:
Yippee! A new word game for my Palm.
Thanks Susan.

YW. :) (I figured I might as well include the Palm info too - just in
case someone was interested.)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)
James said:
Susan Bugher leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before typing
in alt.comp.freeware:
Thanks Susan, I'll give that a go. Appreciated. ;-)

YW. A cousin put Jotto on my computer a while back => I wasted a whole
lot of time on it for a while. He knows my weaknesses. . . ;)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)
mike leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before typing in
I'll get organised, and let you know when they're there


For anyone else following this thread, just wanted to say a public
thanks to Mike for all his help and the games he's supplied. ;-)

Mike, as to "munging" your address, you could use Xnews' built-in ROT-
13 (CTRL+3, or under "edit" when composing a post) feature, if you
wanted, and make sure that your "public" and "private" emails are
munged / invalid etc.

HTH, and thanks again. Much appreciated!
YW. A cousin put Jotto on my computer a while back => I wasted a whole
lot of time on it for a while. He knows my weaknesses. . . ;)
I can't STAND Jotto, I can't do it at all, and I'm supposed to be fairly
good at English, but I can play quite good Mastermind

Mike, as to "munging" your address, you could use Xnews' built-in ROT-
13 (CTRL+3, or under "edit" when composing a post) feature, if you
wanted, and make sure that your "public" and "private" emails are
munged / invalid etc.
Thanks, James, I was a bit nervous of ROT-13, as I thought the bots would
be programmed to unravel it, like "dot" and "at".

Your method looked safer to me!

That list you sent me was a *monster* - I didn't realise it was there until
I saw the filesize of the email.

Unfortunately you haven't got the collected works of Pam Ayres :-)

"So son't be so quick, to eave arf a brick,
It's just me, the wife and the boys" (Starlings)

mike leapt out of the bath and screamed "EUREKA!" before typing in
Thanks, James, I was a bit nervous of ROT-13, as I thought the
bots would be programmed to unravel it, like "dot" and "at".

Mmmm... that's true... I'd never thought of that.
Your method looked safer to me!


I think any way, as long as it's not "obvious" should be OK. I never
give anyone what I call my "family only" email, and that one
is one I set up for online ordering / registering software etc. to keep
things nice and separate.
That list you sent me was a *monster* - I didn't realise it was
there until I saw the filesize of the email.

Unfortunately you haven't got the collected works of Pam Ayres

"So son't be so quick, to eave arf a brick,
It's just me, the wife and the boys" (Starlings)


Well, do let me know if you want anything off it, or anything else for
that matter.

Out of interest, I was just looking for Pam Ayres on the Entirenet
thing, and I got onto her official site;

I looked at the merchandise on there, but alas, no t-shirts emblazoned
with "Never mind the Boll*cks, Here's Pam Ayres"... ;-)

Again, thanks for the help.

I can't STAND Jotto, I can't do it at all, and I'm supposed to be fairly
good at English, but I can play quite good Mastermind

It's not so much a matter of being good at English as being good at
puzzle solving. The key to Jotto is picking words that help you
eliminate letters quickly. One of my daughters-in-law is an absolute
whiz at figuring out any kind of game - she (of course) ;) spotted that
instantly. For instance a sequence like "quote, quick, quack" is usually
good for figuring out which vowels are used.

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)
Hello, Susan Bugher !
You said:
The ACFG web page lists several good game download sites:

I'll recommend Jotto:

Jotto is a traditional word-guessing game more akin to code-breaking
games such as Mastermind than to the comparatively simple-minded
Hangman. You guess a five-letter word and the computer tells you how
many letters are matches--but not which ones. A real brain-teaser.

This version chooses from over 2,900 words and also checks your guesses
against its wordlist.

For Windows and Palm.
Download Jotto for Windows(115 Kb)
NEW! Jotto for Palm (28 Kb)


Yippee! A new word game for my Palm.
Thanks Susan.